
Open lecture by associate professor Andriy Tabachuk on the topic “Brand of the country”

28.04.2021 | 01:27

April 26, 2021 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Tabachuk A. held an open lecture on the subject “Employer Brand Management” for 2nd-year students majoring in 281 “Public Administration”. The topic of the lecture is “Brand of the country”.

During the lecture the preconditions of formation and characteristic features of the state brand of Ukraine were revealed; the information channels of promotion of the international brand of Ukraine are considered and the key messages of the brand strategy of Ukraine...

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Chernobyl is the wound of Ukraine!

27.04.2021 | 20:07

26.04.2021 Assoc. Prof. of Financial Management Department Dubyk V.Ya. together with the academic group UFF-22c specialty 072 Finance, Banking and Insurance held an educational event dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.
It has been 35 years since the world was shaken by the terrible news of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, but the rainy day of the Chernobyl tragedy continues to worry people, both those affected by its bad wing and those who were later born far...

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Guest lecture for students of the educational program “Information Technology in Business”

27.04.2021 | 15:11

April 26, 2021 for applicants for the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education OP “Information Technology in Business” specialty 051 “Economics” was a guest online lecture Software Engineer IT department Motorolla Solutions Systems (Krakow, Poland) on the topic of Valentin Karkavchuk : “MMM in R&D IT”.
The lecturer very brightly, with practical and life examples, with situations from his own experience presented information about:

use of effective modeling tools at all stages of the IT project: definition, formalization and harmonization of requirements...

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26.04.2021 | 14:38

Modern practice proves that public management and administration acquire its priority in the ideological architecture of modern statehood. This issue is constantly in the eyes of managers and researchers, as evidenced by the allocation of a separate scientific section on the direction of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Philosophical and psychological aspects of spirituality in education and science», which took place on April 23, 2021, on the basis of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in the webinar “Agilists about Agile” from SoftServe

26.04.2021 | 13:47

April 26, 2021 Associate Professor of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Zadorozhna A.V. attended the webinar “Agilists about Agile”, organized by SoftServe. The questions raised at the webinar concerned such an important flexible software development methodology as Agile. In the form of an interesting conversation, the question of how to approach the implementation of Agile in a team or organization, the need to assess its advantages and disadvantages for the workflow was discussed. The concepts of flexible leadership and what...

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