
Patriotic education of youth as the formation of the nation’s patriotism

01.05.2021 | 08:17

April 30, 2021, on the eve of Easter, Associate Professor of Financial Management Kruglyakova V.V. together with students of the academic group UFF-23s (educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”) held an educational hour on the topic: “Patriotic education of youth as the formation of patriotism of the nation.” The relevance of this topic is due to the process of formation of civil society in Ukraine, the formation of a single nation.
During the educational event, the counselor and students discussed...

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Open lecture of associate professor Myshchyshyn O.Ya. on the topic “Using graph theory to solve network problems”

30.04.2021 | 14:31

April 29, 2021 lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Myshchyshyn O.Ya. for students of the group UFE-31, studying in the educational program “Information Technology in Business” specialty 051 “Economics”, held an open lecture on “Operations Research” on “Using graph theory to solve network problems”.
The lecture covered the sequence of construction of optimization algorithms for solving network problems. Using graph theory and the Python programming language, real examples of using the Dijkstra algorithm for route optimization problems...

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Interdepartmental seminar of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics and the Department of Intellectual Property, Information and Corporate Law on the topic “Legal regulation of the IT sphere”

29.04.2021 | 10:00

On April 28, 2021, an interdepartmental seminar with the participation of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management and the Department of Intellectual Property, Information and Corporate Law of the Faculty of Law of Ivan Franko LNU was held online on the Microsoft Teams platform. regulation of the IT sphere”. The meeting was organized for students of 3-4 courses of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics”.
The collaboration...

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A round table on “Distance learning in Higher Education Institutions: models, technologies, prospects”

28.04.2021 | 20:07

On April 28, 2021, a round table on “Distance Learning in Free Economic Zone: Models, Technologies, Prospects” was held, organized by the Board of Advisors of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business.
Until recently, distance learning was one of the promising alternatives for the organization of the educational process, and in the scientific and pedagogical environment there were discussions about the feasibility and effectiveness of this form of education. However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to...

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Educational event: CHERNOBYL: 35 YEARS LATER

28.04.2021 | 01:57

In connection with the 35th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, April 26, 2021. Assoc. Department of Economics and Public Administration Tabachuk A. together with the academic group UFP-12s speciality 281 “Public Administration and Administration” held an educational event “Chernobyl: 35 years later.”

35 years ago, one fraction of a second changed the history of nuclear energy, the history of picturesque Ukrainian Polissya and millions of lives. On April 26, at 1:23 a.m., explosions occurred at the...

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