
Student scientific seminar “Problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine in a pandemic”

19.05.2021 | 03:42

18/05/2021. As part of the celebration of “Days of Science at the University”, the Department of Economics and Public Administration together with the student scientific group “Manager” held a student scientific seminar on “Problems of socio-economic development of Ukraine in a pandemic.”

This event was attended by first and second-year students of the faculty and research and teaching staff of the Department of Economics and Public Administration.
Серед основних тем, які обговорювались можна виділити такі:

Gnes Victoria

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic...

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Guest online lecture on “Financial planning and control”

18.05.2021 | 21:22

As part of the study of the discipline “Corporations and Financial Infrastructure” on May 14, 2021, Associate Professor of Financial Management Klepanchuk O.Yu. An online meeting of 3rd year students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” with the head of the debt and settlement department with suppliers of Nestle Ukraine LLC Olga Romanov was held.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the development of the company’s enterprises in the Ukrainian market, its effective...

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Close contact with employers is the key importance to the future successful employment of a graduates

18.05.2021 | 14:34

The key point of cooperation of the Department of Financial Management with employers is the gradual acquaintance of students with the professional world. One of the most professionally oriented institutions for graduates of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” is the State Tax Service of Ukraine.
Thus, on May 18, students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” met with Garasymyak Olena Bohdanivna – Head of the Tax Audit Department of the State Tax Service in Lviv...

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Round table “Current issues of business development in modern conditions” was held

17.05.2021 | 19:52

In the framework of the ALL-UKRAINIAN SCIENCE FESTIVAL – 2021, which is held at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management on May 17, 2021 under the leadership of the Financial Management Department head, prof. Sytnyk N.S. and teachers of the department prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. and assoc. Smolinska S.D. a round table “Current issues of business development in modern conditions” was held.
During the meeting the speakers raised topical issues related to the...

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Open lecture on the subject “Computer Graphics”

15.05.2021 | 19:18

May 14, 2021 Associate Professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics Stadnyk Yu.A. for students of the UFE-31c group, studying on the educational program “Information Technologies in Business”, specialty 051 “Economics”, using the means of the corporate platform for communications and joint data processing Microsoft Teams, an open lecture was held on the topic: “Resolution of graphic images” discipline “Computer graphics”.
The class was attended by the head and teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business...

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