
Discussion of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

22.04.2021 | 15:07

The strategy of higher education reform envisages the creation of a system of monitoring and continuous improvement of the quality of higher education that meets the recommendations and standards of the European Higher Education Area, takes into account world best practices and is the main technology for meeting the education system’s needs.
  The key task of such a reform is to involve external and internal stakeholders in the development, review and monitoring of educational programs. On April 21, 2021, a...

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Гостьова лекція-дискусія для студентів спеціальності «Публічне управління та адміністрування»

22.04.2021 | 02:32

On 21/04/2021 there was a guest lecture discussion for students of higher education speciality 281 Public Administration. Students had the opportunity to talk with the director of the Center for Administrative Services of the Davidov Territorial Community Maria Bonlaletova.
The lecture was attended by bachelors of the second year of study and masters of 281 Public Administration, teachers of the department Associate Prof. Kaplenko H., Associate Prof. Kulish I., Associate Prof. Pak N., Associate Prof.  Pikulyk O.

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Economics and Public Administration in the conference “Small and Medium Business Development Policy at the National and Local Levels”

21.04.2021 | 15:53

20/04/2021 Associate Professors Halyna Kaplenko and Inna Kulish took part in the conference “Small and medium business development policy at the national and local level“. The conference was part of an international technical assistance project funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by GFA Consulting Group.
The conference took place in the format of a Zoom conference.
The conference was opened by Chloe Alio (Head of the Energy, Transport and Environment Section of the EU Delegation to...

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Participation in the V International Online Symposium “EU Circular Economy: Lessons for Ukraine”

21.04.2021 | 01:44

16/04/2021 Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Vasyl Zelenko took part in the V International Online Symposium “EU Circular Economy: Lessons for Ukraine”.
The topic of the report: “Socio-economic dimension of European integration”. During the speech, the experience of the department in the implementation of projects under the Erasmus + program was highlighted. In particular, the main problems of implementation of social policy and social protection both in the European Union and in Ukraine are pointed out. It was interesting...

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Participation of the Department of Economics and Public Administration in the international workshop “Multidisciplinary Challenges in the Field of European Integration: The Experience of the Balkan Countries”

21.04.2021 | 01:21

On April 14-15, 2021, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv hosted the III International Online Workshop of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies” on “Multidisciplinary Challenges in European Integration: The Experience of the Balkan Countries”. The event was held as part of the Jean Monet project 599469-EPP-1-2018-1-UA-EPJMO-CoE: Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies.
Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Associate Professor Vasyl Zelenko acted as co-moderator of the event. Students majoring in...

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