News of the Department of Financial Management

Academic staff of the Department of Financial Management took part in an international internship.

04.07.2023 | 15:55

During June 19-21, 2023, associate professors of the Department of Financial Management Olha Sych and Sofia Smolinska visited the University of Warsaw as part of the 4EU+ for Ukraine program with the support of NAWA (National Agency for Academic Exchanges of Poland) with the delegation of 11 teachers and employees of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. More than 70 participants (online and offline) took part in the “EU Study Days” event, including representatives of three Ukrainian universities – Taras Shevchenko...

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Completing the 3rd Summer School “Urban Revitalization – EU Experience for Ukraine.”

04.07.2023 | 15:48

During the week of June 23-30, the 3rd Summer School “Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine” was held at the Faculty of Finance and Business, which is implemented as part of the Jean Monnet Module of the Erasmus+ program with the support of the EU (Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine 620957- EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). This year, 68 participants, including students, teachers, and public representatives from different parts of Ukraine, expressed their desire to participate in the intensive...

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Впродовж другого семестру 2022-2023 н.р. викладачі кафедри фінансового менеджменту проф. Ватаманюк-Зелінська У.З., проф. Назаркевич І.Б., доц. Дубик В.Я. та доц. Круглякова В.В. успішно пройшли онлайн-навчання для педагогічних, науково-педагогічних працівників у рамках програми «Цифрові інструменти Google для освіти», організоване Міністерством освіти і науки України за підтримки Google Україна. В межах навчання учасники мали змогу ознайомитись з основними інструментами Google, такими як Google Клас, Google Meet, Google Календар, Google Диск, Google Документи, Google Таблиці, Google Форми, Google Презентації, Google Keep, Google Сайти, Google Jamboard. Зокрема, викладачі дізнались як організовувати ефективну взаємодію між учасниками освітнього процесу за допомогою цифрових інструментів Google, які особливості та переваги Google Workspace for Education, як працювати з обліковим записом закладу освіти на різних пристроях: за допомогою комп’ютера і мобільного пристрою. Такі навики сприяють покращенню комунікацій для усіх учасників освітнього процесу. Опанування сучасних цифрових інструментів дають можливість викладачам удосконалювати професійну компетентність задля підвищення ефективності організації навчального процесу в сучасних умовах.

30.06.2023 | 22:47

During the second semester of 2022-2023 teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Prof. U.Z. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska, prof. I.B. Nazarkevich, Assoc. prof. Dubyk V.Ya. and Assoc. prof. Kruglyakova V.V. successfully completed online training for pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical workers within the framework of the “Google Digital Tools for Education” program, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the support of Google Ukraine.
As part of the training, the participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the main...

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28.05.2023 | 01:43

From March 16, 2023 to May 11, 2023, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Financial Management took part in a series of training seminars on the topic: “Analysis and visualization of financial and economic data”, organized with the assistance of the Center for Quality Assurance of Education of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko.
The internship was moderated by the head of the department, prof. Natalia Sytnyk.
The speaker is Orest Myshchyshyn, associate professor of the Department of Digital...

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Lecture by Professor Sebastian Gechert from Chemnitz University of Technology within the international project “Chemnitz-Lviv Learning Bridge.”

26.05.2023 | 23:42

Addicted to the Days of Science, on May 25, 2023, as part of the international educational project “Education Bridge Chemnitz-Lviv” of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the Technical University of Chemnitz (Germany), an open lecture was held at the invitation of the Department of Financial Management with the support of the International Office by Professor Sebastian Gechert, Head of the Department of Macroeconomics at the Technical University of Chemnitz on the topic: “The Tax System of Germany”.

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