News of the Department of Financial Management

Open lecture of Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Petyk L.O. from the academic discipline “Public Finances”

25.05.2023 | 22:51

On May 18, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Petyk L.O. on the Teams platform, held an open lecture on the subject “Public Finance” for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of education of the OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” on the topic “Public credit and public debt”.
The winners of the UFF-21, UFF-22, UFF-23 groups and professors and teaching staff of the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko...

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Round table of the Department of Financial Management “Financial policy of Ukraine under martial law”

23.05.2023 | 22:16

On May 23, 2023, as part of the annual Science Festival at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University at the Department of Financial Management, a round table was held on the topic “Financial policy of Ukraine under martial law”, organized by the student scientific and practical group “Finance and Business” under the leadership of . Department of Financial Management, Prof. Sytnyk N.S. and teachers of the department prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. and Assoc. Smolinska S.D.
In the course of the event, the...

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Participation of guarantors of educational programs in an online event on the topic: “Quality of higher education in a European way: what can Ukrainian universities expect?”

23.05.2023 | 22:08

On May 23, 2023, the head of the department, Prof. Nataliya Sytnyk and the guarantors of the educational programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, “Financial Management” professors Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska, Yulia Shushkova and Assoc. Oksana Zahidna took part in an online event organized by the NGO “Progressilni” together with the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education on the topic: “Quality of higher education in a European way: what can Ukrainian universities expect?”.
Speakers were:
Andriy Butenko – Head of the National...

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Practical training for students in the bank

22.05.2023 | 12:21

In the conditions of martial law and financial market turbulence, banks are key intermediaries in the capital market, providing storage, distribution and redistribution of financial resources in the national economy. Managing corporate finances and individual household budgets involves opening bank accounts, making money transfers, exchanging currencies, obtaining loans, and making investments. This actualizes the knowledge of banking to acquire professional skills in the field of financial management.
The profession of a banker is respected in the financial sphere.  A modern banker...

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The educational project “School of a successful financier” was completed

15.05.2023 | 20:58

For the fifth time, the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv has implemented educational projects. This year, on May 14, the educational project “School of a Successful Financier” ended, which is aimed at developing knowledge in the field of finance and raising students’ awareness of choosing a future profession, as well as familiarization with the educational programs “Finance, Customs and Taxation” and “Financial Management”.
The program “School of...

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