Practical training for students in the bank
In the conditions of martial law and financial market turbulence, banks are key intermediaries in the capital market, providing storage, distribution and redistribution of financial resources in the national economy. Managing corporate finances and individual household budgets involves opening bank accounts, making money transfers, exchanging currencies, obtaining loans, and making investments. This actualizes the knowledge of banking to acquire professional skills in the field of financial management.
The profession of a banker is respected in the financial sphere. A modern banker must have a good specialised education, be able to understand not only banking products, but also in life, and have a good understanding of people’s psychology. It needs to have constructive thinking and be a conservative at the same time.
On May 20, Ukraine celebrates a professional holiday – Bank Employees’ Day. With this holiday, the state, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated March 6, 2004 No. 316/04, emphasizes the important role of the banking system and the significant contribution of bank employees to the development of the economy of Ukraine and ensuring its financial stability.
In order to get acquainted with the features of the banker’s profession, the skills of conducting banking business, studying the specifics of financial management in the framework of a seminar on the topic “Financial Market” from the academic discipline “Finance”, associate professors of the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko University Tataryn Nataliya Bohdanivna and Larysa Sloboda have organised tractical training at the branch of PJSC “PrivatBank”.
On May 19, 2023, students of the first-year study of the UFM-11s group studying under the educational and professional program “Financial Management”, accompanied by an advisor – associate professor Larysa Sloboda and the senior lecturer of the discipline “Finance” – associate professor Nataliya Tataryn visited the branch of PJSC “Privatbank” (Lviv, 17 Sichovyh Striltsiv St.).
Educational training for first-year students were conducted by PJSC “PrivatBank” specialists – personal service specialist Oksana Bartko and customer service specialist Maria Voytsytska. During the initial training, students had the opportunity to learn about the necessary skills and abilities of the banker’s profession, the specifics of customer service in modern conditions, the competencies necessary for effective financial management in the banking sector and the ability to overcome the challenges of turbulence in the bank’s work.
Specialists of PJSC “PrivatBank” were happy to share information about practical training opportunities through the banker’s online school, internal professional training programs, internships and employment opportunities for students at the bank, bonuses programs, and remuneration policy. Experts paid special attention to the need to develop communication skills with clients, effective relationships, knowledge of the basics of psychology and conflict management.
Students actively asked questions about the bank’s credit and deposit programs, process of opening bank accounts, and funds management tools offered by the bank, understanding the relevance of studying specialized academic disciplines for obtaining higher education in the field of financial management.
Oksana Bartko and Maria Voytsytska also shared their own experience of success in the professional career of a banker after they successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University.
Such kind of training made it possible to motivate students to responsibly acquire professional knowledge and skills in the process of mastering financial disciplines and to emphasize the prestige of the banker profession for their future career choice. At the same time, teachers and students of the faculty had the opportunity to say their respects to employees of the banking sector on the eve of the holiday – Banker’s Day – and wish them peace, good health, wealth and prosperity.