Open lecture of Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Petyk L.O. from the academic discipline “Public Finances”
On May 18, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Petyk L.O. on the Teams platform, held an open lecture on the subject “Public Finance” for students of the first (bachelor’s) level of education of the OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” on the topic “Public credit and public debt”.
The winners of the UFF-21, UFF-22, UFF-23 groups and professors and teaching staff of the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv attended the lecture.
Docent Petyk Lyubov Orestivna covered the following questions in a logical sequence according to the lecture plan:
The essence and functions of state credit
Forms of state credit
Concepts and types of public debt
State debt management
The presentation of the lecture material, in addition to the disclosure of the theoretical aspects of the given topic, also contained an analytical assessment of the dynamics of statistical indicators.
The lecturer also emphasized the topical issues of the state credit and state debt of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law.
During the lecture, the winners took an active part in discussing issues related to the content of the lecture.
The content of the lecture material has practical value and contributes to the development of professional competences of the students, the formation of practical skills and the achievement of relevant program learning outcomes.