News of the Department of Financial Management

Round table “Challenges and opportunities of the financial system under martial law”

21.10.2023 | 13:17

On October 18, as part of the University Days, a round table of the scientific and practical circle “Tax space” of the Department of Financial Management was held (leader – Associate Professor Olga Sych). Students of the first bachelor’s and second master’s degrees of the “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” and “Financial Management” educational programs took part in the event. The round table concerned the actual problems of functioning and reforming the financial system of Ukraine in response to the...

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Methodological seminar on the topic: “Student-centrism in the system of quality assurance of higher education”

19.10.2023 | 10:55

On October 17, 2023, the Department of Financial Management held a methodical seminar on the topic: “Student-centeredness in the system of quality assurance of higher education”.  The speakers are the guarantors of the educational and professional programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” and “Financial Management” professors Yulia Shushkova, Ulyana Vatamanyuk-Zelinska and associate professor Oksana Zakhidna.
The purpose of the seminar is to deepen the understanding of the student-centered approach in the educational process and the introduction of a person-oriented learning technology...

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Dialogue with employers: practical recommendations for competence development from KPMG specialists

12.10.2023 | 00:21

On October 11, 2023, there was a meeting of the winners of the educational programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, “Financial Management” and the staff of the Department of Financial Management of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management with Maksym Voytsechovsky, director, head of the western region of KPMG in Ukraine.
The coordinator of the meeting is Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Iryna Yasinovska
The speaker talked about the peculiarities of KPMG’s activities in Ukraine...

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Online meeting with the head of the Bativ settlement council of the Berehiv district of the Transcarpathian region, how to use the regional component in the teaching of academic disciplines

11.10.2023 | 23:57

October 5, 2023, on the initiative of Prof. of the department of financial management of Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z., students of higher education of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of the educational program “Finance, customs and tax affairs” had the opportunity to attend an online meeting with the head of the Bativ settlement council of the Berehiv district of the Transcarpathian region – Dmytro Oleksandrovich Taranenko.
During the meeting, the prerequisites for the creation of the Batyovo industrial park were considered...

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Meetings with practicing specialists as a component of improving the practical training of financiers

08.10.2023 | 20:29

Close cooperation of the Department of Financial Management with employers is a necessary condition for the training of highly professional specialists and a guarantee of their further successful employment. Guest lectures are one of the forms of cooperation with potential employers for students of the “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” and “Financial Management” educational programs.
So, on October 5, 2023, at the invitation of Doctor of Economics, Professor Yulia Shushkova as part of the study of the discipline “Financial Management”, the...

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