
Participation of lecturers of the department of public administration and business management in the meeting of the university-wide seminar on the topic “Gryhoriy Skovoroda: the relevant wisdom of Ukrainian Socrates”, timed to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding philosopher

31.10.2022 | 13:46

On October 27, 2022, a meeting of the all-university seminar “Philosophy of Science” was held in the Hall of Mirrors of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv under the scientific guidance of the rector, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Petrovych Melnyk, timed to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the famous Ukrainian thinker Gryhoriy Skovoroda.
The seminar featured a lecture by the head of the Department of...

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Scientific circle “Upravlinets” held a round table on the topic “Global challenges in public administration” before the University Days

28.10.2022 | 22:50

The staff of the Department of Economics and Public Administration together with the scientific group “Upravlinets” held a round table on the topic “Global challenges in public administration”. The event took place on October 28, 2022, as part of the special project “FrancoAutumn-2022” for the University Days.
Andrii Stasyshyn, dean of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, gave a welcoming speech, emphasizing the extreme relevance of the selected issues of the event. At the current stage, Ukraine is on the...

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Guest online lecture for students of the Department of Economics and Public Administration. Volodymyr Yantsov “HR process: from CV to dismissal of the candidate”олодимира Янцова «HR процес: від CV до звільнення кандидата»

28.10.2022 | 21:47

On October 25, an online guest lecture by Volodymyr Yantsov (training manager at Sigma Software) was held for teachers and students of higher education of the Department of Economics and Public Administration of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management on the topic “HR process: from CV to the dismissal of the candidate.”
A feature of the modern period: employers give preference, first of all, to motivated candidates and employees. Motivated people come up with solutions to the question “What should...

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“Together to victory”

28.10.2022 | 15:12

On October 19 (All-Ukrainian Day of Human Responsibility) and October 27 (World Occupational Therapy Day) 2022, students of the first year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” accompanied by a professor of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Doctor of Economics. Nazarkevych I.B. visited the Lviv volunteer kitchen to help organize food for our defenders, who at this difficult time are resisting the Russian occupiers at the front.
Participating in such activities allows...

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Meeting with a stakeholder of the Education Program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

27.10.2022 | 21:44

In the dynamic conditions of the development of the modern labor market, an important element of the educational process of domestic higher education institutions is fruitful cooperation with stakeholders. On the one hand, such cooperation provides an opportunity to establish a close exchange of information and ideas on improving the educational process, and on the other hand, to help students find a future workplace.
In order to familiarize the students of the first (bachelor’s) and first (master’s) levels of education with...

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