
Participation of the department of financial management in the organization international conference

22.10.2022 | 13:46

On October 20, 2022, students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Higher Education Graduates and Young Scientists “Actual Problems of the Development of the Financial and Economic System: Priorities and Prospects”. The conference took place at the Lviv University of Trade and Economics. The event is devoted to the problems and priorities of the restoration and further modernization of the financial system and economy of Ukraine...

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Defense of reports on industrial (pre-diploma) practice by applicants of the second (master’s) level of education of Department of Economics and Public Administration

22.10.2022 | 13:03

October 19, 2022, students of higher education of the second (master’s) level of education of the department of economics and public administration (speciality 281 Public administration and administration, educational programs “Public administration and administration”, “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”) defended reports from the production (pre-diploma ) practices.
During their stay in practice, students of the master’s degree of the department of economics and public administration consolidated the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, improved practical skills, gained invaluable experience...

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Lecture on the topic “Values and principles of academic integrity”

22.10.2022 | 11:15

October 17, 2022, an informative lecture on the topic “Values and principles of academic integrity” was held for students of the first year of higher education of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels of education (speciality 281 Public management and administration, educational programs of the Department of Economics and Public Administration).
Speakers of the event: Head of the Department of Economics and Public Administration — Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Halyna Kaplenko and Head of the student research group “Administration”...

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Guest lecture on the topic: “Features of interbudgetary transfers under martial law”

21.10.2022 | 10:09

On October 20, 2022, for students of the III year of the UFP-31s, UFP-32s majors 281 “Public Management and Administration” a guest lecture was held on the subject “Budget System” on the topic: “Features of inter-budgetary transfers under martial law” (lecturer: Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management Zahidna O.R.). The lecture was held with the participation of Kateryna Zakorko, a leading specialist of the Consolidated Budget and Interbudgetary Relations Department of the Finance Department of the Lviv Regional...

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A guest lecture on the topic: “Features of health insurance, or how to get a plus”

21.10.2022 | 09:55

On Wednesday, October 19,  2022 a guest lecture on the topic: “Features of health insurance, or how to get a plus.”  was held for the students and teachers of the Department of Financial Technologies and Consulting. The lecturer of the event was a trainer of the National Financial Literacy Project, curator of financial literacy clubs in Lviv and Zakarpattia regions, financial adviser to the OVB Alfinanz Ukraine, member of the council in the Deposit Guarantee Fund and founder of the...

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