Defense of reports on industrial (pre-diploma) practice by applicants of the second (master’s) level of education of Department of Economics and Public Administration

22.10.2022 | 13:03

October 19, 2022, students of higher education of the second (master’s) level of education of the department of economics and public administration (speciality 281 Public administration and administration, educational programs “Public administration and administration”, “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures”) defended reports from the production (pre-diploma ) practices.

During their stay in practice, students of the master’s degree of the department of economics and public administration consolidated the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, improved practical skills, gained invaluable experience in effective management and felt like real specialists.

Pre-diploma practice is the final stage of education. Students perform duties in accordance with the positions outlined in the educational and professional program of the speciality. Before completing the pre-diploma internship, student meetings were held, where they were introduced to the content of the internship program, and provided with advice on the methodology of its completion and preparation of reports. Practice management is carried out by managers from practice bases and the department. When determining the place of internship, employment prospects, acquisition of professional skills, and the subject of qualification work are taken into account.

The results of the practice defence showed that the success rate of the groups was 100%, and the quality of knowledge was 100%. But the most important indicator of the results of the pre-diploma practice is the employment of students in their speciality.

Valeriia Goncharova, Severyna Stasyshyn, Sofiia Salo, Solomiia Karpyn, Kateryna Ivanova proved themselves positively during industrial (pre-diploma) practice, who currently combines work in their speciality and study at the University.

The students of the groups answered the questions of the members of the commission and expressed their suggestions regarding the improvement of the organizational structure and management system of the organization under study, and proposed directions for improving its functional activity and administration processes.

Despite the difficult conditions in Ukraine, the openness and support of our stakeholders helped students fulfil their part of the curriculum. The Department of Economics and Public Administration expresses its sincere thanks to the managers of the practice bases for the high professional level in helping to train future specialists in the speciality “Public Management and Administration”.

As a promising direction for the organization of internships, the University envisages strengthening business ties with the objects of internships for more complete provision of the latest information of a professional nature and in-depth familiarization with directions and features and further updating of educational programs of the speciality 281 Public management and administration, which are attached to the Department of Economics and public administration.

We congratulate our students on their successful defence! Thank you for the interesting, emotional reports.

 Everything will be Ukraine! Together to victory!