

27.03.2023 | 17:03

On March 23, 2023, a meeting of second (master’s) level higher education students under the “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” educational program took place with Renata Kolba, junior auditor of PwC SDC. The attention of the participants was focused on the discussion of issues of training competitive, innovatively oriented specialists in the field of finance.
The speaker made a special emphasis on the personal approach as the most effective in the field of student-centered learning. After all, attempts by future...

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Discussion of educational programs of the Department of Economics and Public Administration with students of higher education, specialty 281 Public Management and Administration

26.03.2023 | 02:15

On February 23, 2023, at the meeting of the Department of Economics and Public Administration, a discussion was held by teachers together with heads of groups of the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of education of the Educational programs “Public Management and Administration” and “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”.
The representatives of the students of higher education were the elders of the groups: Zhestokova Sofya (UFP-11s), Kateryna Skulinets (UFP-22s), Iryna Rakhval (UFP-23s), Petriv Maryana (UFP-32s), Roksolna...

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Guest meeting of higher education graduates of the first (bachelor) level of education OP “Finance, customs and tax affairs”

25.03.2023 | 10:51

Involvement of practitioners in the educational process is an important point in the work of the Department of Financial Management. This contributes to the provision of high-quality educational services, the acquisition of professional competences and practical skills in the formation of future specialists in the financial sphere and ensuring their employment.
So, on March 21, 2023, at the invitation of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Yulia Shushkova, a meeting was held as part of the study of the discipline “Financial...

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Educational event. «A person does not die. A person lives as long as they are remembered». Honoring the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

23.03.2023 | 13:12

Нам невідомі всіх їх імена,
Хто їх чекає, хто за ними плаче,
Де їхній дім, як їм болить війна,
Яке в них серце – щире чи терпляче.
On February 22, Ukrainians honour the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred – true patriots who fought for a free, democratic, strong Ukraine, giving the most precious thing they had – their lives.
On February 22, 2023, students of educational programs of the speciality 281 Public management and administration of the Department of economics and public...

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