
Guest lecture-meeting on the topic: “Development of the provision of administrative services”

23.03.2023 | 11:32

On March 21, 2023, within the walls of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, another meeting of higher education applicants and scientific and pedagogical staff with representatives of public authorities took place. At the guest meeting, Halyna Tupis, head of the development department for the provision of administrative services for digital development of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, presented Lviv Oblast’s achievements in the development.
Those present received information:
  on the introduction...

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Practical intensive “SMART HR” for students of the Educational program “Personnel management in public authorities and business structures” specialty 281 Public management and administration

23.03.2023 | 00:44

“What would your soft skills do if hard skills did not exist, and what would public and personnel management look like if they lost touch with practice?” That is why the economics and public administration department, career development, and cooperation with business at the University prepared this intensive.
On February 21-24, the Department of Economics and Public Administration of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Franko University, together with the Public Council under the Personnel Department of the Lviv...

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“The Ukrainian trident as the embodiment of statehood, unity and independence” Educational event

22.03.2023 | 23:33

On February 20, 2023, students of the UFP-22c group, together with adviser Oksana Pikulyk, held an educational hour on the topic “Ukrainian trident as the embodiment of statehood, unity and independence.”
The educational hour is dedicated to National Emblem Day, celebrated in Ukraine on February 19. A golden trident of a special shape on a blue field symbolises faith, strength and indomitability. The princes of Kievan Rus went into battle with him. The seal with a trident was used when approving...

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Innovative methods and technologies of teaching professional disciplines at the Department of Financial Management

22.03.2023 | 22:04

In order to improve the educational process and activate the process of using innovative methods and educational technologies, on March 21, assistant professor of the Department of Financial Management, Olga Sych, held a training seminar on the discipline “Administration of taxes and fees” for students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the first bachelor’s level. This made it possible to involve students in creative communication and discussion of issues of tax culture in society, learning to...

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