
On cooperation between the authorities, the public and the IT sector: in the framework of the participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics in the Digital Anti-Corruption Conference

08.12.2021 | 06:42

On December 7, 2021, Iryna Shevchuk, Bohdan Deputat, Oksana Vaskiv and Anna Starukh, lecturers at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, took part in the Digital Anti-Corruption Conference with financial support from the European Union and Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation, German Marshall Fund project USA.
The aim of the conference is to help civil society fighting corruption in Central and Eastern Europe (and in Ukraine...

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Participation in the 9th annual online conference of think tanks

08.12.2021 | 05:41

On December 7, 2021, the 9th online conference of think tanks “Does the government need an independent policy analyst?”
The conference took place within the framework of the Initiative for the Development of think tanks in Ukraine, implemented by the Renaissance Foundation in partnership with the Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE) and with the financial support of the Swedish Embassy in Ukraine.
The following issues were discussed:
Quality public policy: the importance of independent think tanks. Does the government need independent analytics?...

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Participation in the Digital Anti-Corruption Conference (DIGITAL ANTI-CORRUPTION CONFERENCE)

08.12.2021 | 05:11

On December 7, 2021, associate professors of the Department of Economics and Public Administration Oksana Pikulyk and Andriі Tabachuk took part in the Digital Anti-Corruption Conference (DIGITAL ANTI-CORRUPTION CONFERENCE), organized by the NGO Anti-Corruption Headquarters (Ukraine) and Transparency International Estonia (Estonia).
The conference focused on the problems of corruption and ways to solve them through digital means in Central and Eastern Europe. Speakers from different countries sought to share a common vision of how the civic and IT sectors can work...

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Round table “Gender equality in state-building and business management”

08.12.2021 | 05:02

⠀On December 6, 2021, the Student Government of the Faculty of Financial and Business Management together with the Department of Economics and Public Administration held a round table on an important topic in society: “Gender equality in state-building and business management”. Associate professors Halyna Kaplenko and Vasyl Zelenko, together with applicants for higher education and speakers of the event, discussed and debated many aspects of the round table.
During the dialogue, participants were able to discuss issues of gender equality in...

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Horizon Europe: where to start (webinar)

08.12.2021 | 04:41

06/12/2021. Associate professors Halyna Kaplenko and Natalia Pak participated in the webinar “Europe’s Horizon: where to start”.
Organizers of the webinar: Experts of the Horizon Europe program, with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Speakers were: Horizon 2020 National Contact Points, which will operate in the Horizon Europe program in the following areas:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Галина Лазько
Health – Таїсія Симочко
Digital, Industry and Space – Іван Кульчицький, Любомир Никируй
Climate, Energy and Mobility – Артур Воронич
Food, Bioeconomy...

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