
Methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the  Higher Education institution”

03.12.2021 | 09:42

On December 2, at the Department of financial management was helded a methodological seminar on topic “Internet communications in distance learning at the  Higher Education institution”. Speakers: Associate Professor Zakhidna O.R., Ph.D., Associate Professor Petyk L.O., Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V., Associate Professor Dubyk V.Ya., Associate Professor Yasinovska I.F., Associate Professor Sych O.A., Associate Professor Klepanchuk O.Yu., Associate Professor Tataryn N.B.
During the report, professors pointed out that in the context of the development the information educational environment, as well as the passing...

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Conducting a methodological seminar by the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control

02.12.2021 | 20:41

On December 2, 2021, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control hosted a regular meeting of the methodological seminar on the topic: Innovative methods in the training of accounting specialists.

The discussion was attended by teachers of the department, who also shared their experience in using innovative methods in teaching disciplines of the educational program Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations.

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Проведення кафедрою обліку, аналізу і контролю методичного семінару

02.12.2021 | 20:41

2 грудня 2021 року на кафедрі обліку, аналізу і контролю відбулося чергове засідання методичного семінару на тему: Інноваційні методики в підготовці фахівців-обліковців.

В обговорені взяли участь викладачі кафедри,які також поділилися досвідом використання інноваційних методик при викладанні навчальних дисциплін освітньої програми Облік, аналіз та фінансові розслідування.

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Participation of masters of UFOM-11c group and Ph.D., associate professor Loboda NO in a webinar-workshop on working with software cash registers

02.12.2021 | 20:31

December 2, 2021 UFOM-11s students and associate professor Loboda NO in cooperation with practitioners in the study of the course “Organization of accounting and tax optimization” joined the webinar – a workshop on working with software cash registers (speakers: leading experts Technocenter Lighthouse with experience in implementing software cash registers (PRRO) E. Smirnov, D. Doroshenko; head of the accounting service company “Lux Accounting” H. Lyskanych).
The webinar program covered the following issues:
Current issues on the application of the ABM in 2022; Read more »

Academic integrity in higher education institutions

02.12.2021 | 17:39

On December 1, 2021, a guest lecture-meeting of  Yevhenia Moskalevych was held on the MS Teams platform on the topic: “ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS” with the support of the Project “Initiative of Academic Integrity – Academic Integrity – Academic Integrity and Academic Quality of Education. The meeting was attended by students and teachers of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business.
Moderator of the event: Anna Starukh, Associate Professor of Digital Economics and Business Analytics.
Given that adherence to the...

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