Horizon Europe: where to start (webinar)
06/12/2021. Associate professors Halyna Kaplenko and Natalia Pak participated in the webinar “Europe’s Horizon: where to start”.
Organizers of the webinar: Experts of the Horizon Europe program, with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Speakers were: Horizon 2020 National Contact Points, which will operate in the Horizon Europe program in the following areas:
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) – Галина Лазько
- Health – Таїсія Симочко
- Digital, Industry and Space – Іван Кульчицький, Любомир Никируй
- Climate, Energy and Mobility – Артур Воронич
- Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment – Таїсія Симочко
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Іван Кульчицький
Basic information about the structure of the program: which parts of the program are most relevant; main types of actions; features of the direction “Actions of Maria Sklodowska Curie”; project preparation algorithm: formal aspects from registration on the portal to application submission; preparation of a partner profile and search for partners; features of intellectual property issues in Horizon Europe projects; features of certain topics in the project.
Discussed: new priorities, structures and directions of the ninth EU Horizon Europe research and innovation program; European and national instruments to support research and innovation in Ukraine; new global and industrial challenges facing the world community over the next decade.