
Local self-government and digital transformation in Ukraine

14.12.2021 | 22:46

03.11.21-04.12.21 Prof. Department of Financial Management Sytnyk N.S. and Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. passed the online course “Local Government and Digital Transformation in Ukraine”. The topics of the classes were varied. She touched upon financial issues of local self-government, organization of public activities and development of territorial communities of Ukraine in the conditions of digital transformation. Particular attention was paid to current issues related to the creation of digital infrastructure in local communities. The course program included the following topics:
03.11.2021. –...

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Participation of teachers and students of the educational program “Information Technology in Business” in the Conference for Business Analysts from EPAM Systems

13.12.2021 | 20:45

December 10-11, 2021 lecturers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Shevchuk I.B., Zadorozhna A.V., Vaskiv O.M., Deputat B.Ya. Starukh A.I., Stadnyk Yu.A. and students enrolled in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Business Information Education programs were participants in the Conference for Business Analysts organized by EPAM, Ukraine’s leading IT company.
The issues discussed at the conference covered a wide range of issues, one way or...

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Meeting with stakeholders is the key to quality education

10.12.2021 | 21:16

In order to acquaint students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” with the professional world of customs, in the context of favorablel cooperation with stakeholders, On December 9, 2021 was presented a guest lecture by Ph.D., Assoc. Proffesor, president of the “Association of Professional Customs Intermediaries” Todoshchuk A.V. The lecture was held as part of teaching the discipline “Customs” at the Department of Financial Management. The topic of discussion was the customs clearance of export transactions.
During the...

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Student-centered approaches to assessment in distance learning

09.12.2021 | 14:22

On December 8, 2021, Iryna Shevchuk and Oksana Vaskiv, lecturers at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics at the Faculty of Financial and Business Management of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, took part in the second webinar “Student Assessment: Encourage, Not Discourage”. webinars of the British Council Ukraine “Modern approaches to teaching”.
Speakers shared experiences and tools for assessing students that can be used in their work. In particular, Katie Wright, Deputy Director for Innovation, Advance HE, gave...

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