
Final meeting of the student scientific group of the Department of Economics and Public Administration “Manager”

20.12.2021 | 03:19

On December 17, 2021, the final meeting of this year’s student research group of the Department of Economics and Public Administration “Manager” was held, dedicated to current issues of public administration. The meeting was attended by teachers and students of the Department of Economics and Public Administration.
The work of the final group was conducted by the head of the department, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Halyna Kaplenko and Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Andriy Tabachuk.
Students’ research work is a...

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The defense of term papers of master’s students majoring in 051 “Economics” of the educational program “Information Technology in Business”

19.12.2021 | 13:31

From December 14 to 16, 2021 at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Microsoft Teams defended the term papers of students with a master’s degree (UFEM-11c group). educational program “Information Technology in Business”.
Excellent ability to synthesize the acquired theoretical knowledge and use it in the study of practical problems showed:

Gavryshkiv O.V. SEO in the IT sphere
Gut N.O. Features of GDP dynamics in terms of countries and...

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Interdepartmental scientific-methodical seminar “Concept and methodology of realization of research activity of subjects of educational process in modern University”

18.12.2021 | 23:09

On December 17, 2021, an interdepartmental (Department of Economics and Public Administration and the Department of Financial Management) scientific and methodological seminar was held. The topic of the seminar is “The concept and methodology of research activities of the subjects of the educational process in the modern University.”

One of the important tasks of modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine is the development of research activities of the subjects of the educational process of higher educational institutions. This...

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Participation in the webinar “Security and Human Rights in Eastern Europe”

18.12.2021 | 22:39

13.12.2021. The Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) together with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in Warsaw discussed the protracted conflicts in Eastern Europe and their policy implications.
The webinar was attended by the Head of the Department of Economics and Public Administration, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Halyna Kaplenko.
Thirty years after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the vision of a Europe...

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Participation in the online forum “Leaders of Educational Change”

18.12.2021 | 22:17

16.12.2021р. Head of the Department of Economics and Public Halyna Kaplenko and Associate Professor Oksana Pikulyk were participants of the Online Forum “Leaders of Educational Change”.

The purpose of the Forum is to discuss the challenges in the professional management of representatives of the educational environment, exchange experiences on the implementation of successful cases on the development of universities as leaders of educational change, promote leadership and improve the management skills of educators.
The participants of the forum were representatives of...

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