
Internship of students of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” in public authorities

29.12.2021 | 14:40

Students of the UFP-21s group specialty 281 “Public Administration and Administration” of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Administration” are actively involved in internship programs in public administration and local government to deepen practical skills in this area.
Therefore, UFP-21s student Khrystyna Rymar successfully completed the internship program for young people in the Lviv Regional State Administration and received a certificate for the program “Realize yourself in power” from the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration Mr...

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Webinar on the topic “The Art of Self-Presentation”

28.12.2021 | 22:37

On December 27, 2021, a webinar was held for students of the UFF-11c group of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (advisor – Associate Professor of Financial Management, Ph.D. Kruglyakova V.V.) by a specialist of the psychological service of LNU named after Ivan Franko by Anastasia Skakovska on the topic “The Art of Self-Presentation”.
At the webinar, students had the opportunity to do assignments and practice self-presentation skills, learn more about verbal self-presentation, the art of Small Talk...

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Protection of qualification (master’s) theses of applicants for higher education Educational Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

25.12.2021 | 23:01

On December 23-24, 2021, the Faculty of Finance and Business Management (Department of Economics and Public Administration) defended its qualification (master’s) theses. 10 full-time and part-time higher education students successfully defended their dissertations. The chairman of the commission was Doctor of State Administration, Professor Ivan Orestovych Parubchak.
Given the quarantine restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the protections took place online.
All master’s theses were tested for plagiarism, received internal and external reviews by specialists in public administration. Graduates who presented their...

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And every finish is, in fact, the start!

24.12.2021 | 13:36

Here and years of studying in a magistracy have imperceptibly passed. Applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv successfully passed attestation exam, mock exam in the form of the only state qualifying exam and protection of qualification (master’s) work. The results of the certification were...

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24.12.2021 | 11:37

On December 23, 2021, the teachers of the Department of PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT held a methodological seminar on the topic: “Academic integrity – the key to quality education.” The main purpose of the seminar was to consider the rules established by law, which should guide the participants of the educational process, in order to ensure confidence in the quality and results of learning.
Head of the department – Komarnytska G.O. stressed that academic integrity is an integral part of...

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