Meeting with stakeholders is the key to quality education
In order to acquaint students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” with the professional world of customs, in the context of favorablel cooperation with stakeholders, On December 9, 2021 was presented a guest lecture by Ph.D., Assoc. Proffesor, president of the “Association of Professional Customs Intermediaries” Todoshchuk A.V. The lecture was held as part of teaching the discipline “Customs” at the Department of Financial Management. The topic of discussion was the customs clearance of export transactions.
During the event, issues related to the organization and development of customs infrastructure of Lviv region were discussed; structures of foreign trade of our state. The participants of the event were particularly interested in the use of customs regimes, the principles of the ACS, the rates of export duties on export goods and prohibited goods for export.
The project voiced by the speaker on the introduction of the “Automated Economic Operator”, which aims to establish a relationship of trust between business and customs, aroused interest.
Todoschuk A.V. suggested students of the program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” to use in their research (course and qualification works) a platform for exporters and an interactive portal of open customs data, providing links to these platforms.
As a result of the meeting, it was proposed to introduce the topic: “Customs Statistics” in the initial program of the discipline “Customs” of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”.
Such modern and progressive meetings in the format of dialogue between students, faculty members and practitioners motivate students to acquire knowledge, which will then be implemented in practice, contributing to their successful employment.