News of the Department of Financial Management

Online meeting on “Budget Barometer”

07.10.2021 | 18:44

Interesting and informative October 7, 2021 for teachers of the Department of Financial Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University Prof. Sytnyk N.S., Doctor of Economics Shushkova Yu.V. and Assoc. Prof. Zakhidna O.R. An online meeting was held with Daryna Marchak, Head of the Center for Public Finance Analysis and Public Administration KSE, First Deputy Director, Prozorro.Sales.
The speaker presented the “Budget Barometer” – a monthly analytical product that contains a description of the current situation in public finance.
The main insights of...

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Participation in the Forum “Formation of new qualifications in communities in the context of decentralization”

07.10.2021 | 18:33

On October 7, 2021, the Forum “Formation of new qualifications in communities in the context of decentralization” was held, organized by the National Agency for Qualifications and the Kyiv Regional Council. Local government reforms and decentralization processes place new demands on the professional level with new qualifications of local government employees. The purpose of the Forum is to find ways to provide communities with specialists with the most popular qualifications.
The Department of Financial Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University...

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Educational hour on the topic “Aesthetic component in the education of modern youth.”

29.09.2021 | 23:20

On September 29, 2021, the advisor of the UFF-15s group, associate professor of the department of financial management of the faculty of financial management and business Smolinska SD a thematic educational hour was held on the topic: “Aesthetic component in the education of modern youth.”
During the lesson there was a discussion about the role of aesthetics and its impact on the formation of a diverse personality. After all, a modern student is a multifaceted individual who develops not only...

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Advanced training of teachers of the Department of Financial Management

28.09.2021 | 21:47

September 23, 2021 teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Prof. Shushkova Yu.V., Assoc. Prof. Zakhidna O.R. and Assoc. Prof. Petik L.O. took part in the online forum “Professional development of educators: requirements and latest trends” in the educational project “4 people”.
The purpose of the Forum is to discuss the main requirements, features of the formation of key and professional competencies, outline the latest trends and opportunities for...

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“How to become a super student?”

28.09.2021 | 19:29

On September 27, 2021, students of the academic groups UFF-13s, UFF-14s and UFF-15s (curators Assoc. Prof. Sych O.A, Assoc. Prof. Yasinovska I.F. and Assoc. Prof. Smolinska S.D.) of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs ”attended an online meeting “How to become a super student?”, which was organized by the psychological service of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

Freshmen had the opportunity to get answers to the most pressing questions: how to adapt to student life, how to become successful...

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