News of the Department of Financial Management

Solemn meeting of the Rector with employees and students of LNU

12.10.2021 | 21:30

On October 11, 2021, in the Assembly Hall on the occasion of the Day of Lviv University, a solemn meeting of the Rector with the staff of Ivan Franko National University took place.
During the meeting, the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Professor Volodymyr Melnyk congratulated the audience on the University Day and outlined the strategic guidelines of the University for the future.
The Rector thanked the staff of Lviv University for many years of hard...

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Guest lecture by Professor Hryhoriy Monastyrsky on “Virtualization of public administration: financial dimension and technologies of virtual team management”

12.10.2021 | 16:54

October 12, 2021. Guest lecture for students of higher education educational programs “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” (speciality 281 Public Administration) and “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (speciality 072 Finance, Banking and Insurance).
The lecture was given by Professor, Doctor of Economics Hryhoriy Monastyrsky (Western Ukrainian National University).
In the conditions of modern realities, it is especially important to discuss the issues of the strategic development of Ukraine and its integration into the digital economy. The efficiency of digital...

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Participation of guarantors of educational programs in the seminar “Quality higher education: discussion of stakeholders”

12.10.2021 | 10:47

On October 8, 2021, Franko National University of Lviv hosted a regional seminar “Quality Higher Education: Stakeholder Discussion”. Participants in the seminar were members of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, experts, educators, and employers.
From the Faculty of Finance and Business, the seminar participants were guarantors of educational programs: “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” (Associate Professor Galina Kaplenko), “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” (Professor Natalia Sytnyk), “Accounting, Analysis and Audit ”(Associate Professor Svitlana Priymak).

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Teacher training

11.10.2021 | 15:56

October 8, 2021 Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Petyk L.O. took part in a training seminar – workshop “How to buy effectively for customers and sell profitably to suppliers in the ProZorro Market system”, organized by the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

The seminar was attended by representatives of local governments, the executive branch, united territorial communities, utilities and regional business.

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Educational event on “Healthy lifestyle – the path to health!”

08.10.2021 | 12:59

On October 7, 2021, an educational event was held on the topic “Healthy lifestyle – the path to health!” for students of the group UFF-14s.
The purpose of the event: to motivate the desire to take care of your health, to lead a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle is an action aimed at preventing diseases, strengthening all body systems and improving general well-being. Physical health gives good health, vigor, strength. Mental – gives peace and a great mood. They can be formed...

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