News of the Department of Financial Management

Lecture-meeting on “My profession – financier”

16.09.2021 | 11:18

On September 15, 2021 at the Faculty of Finance and Business to Welcome week was a lecture-meeting “My profession – financier” (responsible for its conduct associate professors of financial management Smolinska S.D. and Kruglyakova V.V.) for first-year students of the educational program “Finance, customs and taxation”.
A financier is a person who is well versed in the trends of financial markets, is able to competently predict changes and successfully invest in various projects, analyze risks. It is in demand not only...

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Start of the Summer School

24.06.2021 | 12:09

On June 22, the Faculty of FinancialManagement and Business launched the First Summer School “Urban Revitalization – the EU Experience for Ukraine”, implemented within the Jean Monet Module of the Erasmus + program with the support of the EU (Urban Revitalization – the EU experience for Ukraine 620957-EPP-1- 2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE).
The participants of the school were students of various specialties of the Ivan Franko National University, other universities, teachers and practitioners interested in the EU policy on urban renewal and its sustainable...

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Protection of industrial practice by students studying in the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”

03.06.2021 | 21:06

On June 1, 2021, the defense of industrial practice was held by fourth-year students, who study on the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”. Students underwent internships in the bodies of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, the State Customs Service, financial departments, budgetary institutions, enterprises, banking institutions, insurance companies.
Internships are an integral part of the bachelor’s degree process. The purpose of the internship is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills of practical work in the...

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The final stage of the test session for second-third year students majoring in “Finance, Banking and Insurance”

30.05.2021 | 22:28

On May 24-28, the final stage of the credit session for second and third year students was the defense of course work in financial and economic disciplines and, accordingly, in the disciplines of professional and practical training. In general, performing course work, students have the opportunity to acquire professional competencies, such as understanding and ability to critically comprehend the basics of finance, banking and insurance, patterns of functioning and development of financial systems; ability to master and understand information on...

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Modern approaches to the implementation of the KYC principle and the development of the bank compliance system

25.05.2021 | 19:12

On May 24, 2021, the Department of Finance hosted a scientific seminar “Modern approaches to the implementation of the principle of KYC and the development of the system of bank compliance.” The event was organized by Associate Professor Sloboda Larysa Yaroslavivna for the Day of Bank Employees of Ukraine for students majoring in “Finance, Banking and Insurance” and teachers of the department.
The speaker opened the issue of the peculiarities of conducting and financial compliance (and financial monitoring as its component)...

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