Participation in the Forum “Formation of new qualifications in communities in the context of decentralization”
On October 7, 2021, the Forum “Formation of new qualifications in communities in the context of decentralization” was held, organized by the National Agency for Qualifications and the Kyiv Regional Council. Local government reforms and decentralization processes place new demands on the professional level with new qualifications of local government employees. The purpose of the Forum is to find ways to provide communities with specialists with the most popular qualifications.
The Department of Financial Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University (Head of the Department Prof. Sytnyk N.S., Prof. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U.Z. and Assoc. Prof. Zakhidna O.R.) did not stay away from this event, because the management of state financial resources is financial. the basis of the existence of the state and local self-government, and the training of specialists who have deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of public finance at the national and local levels provides an opportunity to solve applied problems in public sector financial management. During the meeting, the speakers paid special attention to the training of qualified specialists with a high level of digital knowledge and skills that will create innovative services in communities.
The Forum was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, NAPS, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, the State Labor Service of Ukraine, the State Employment Service, the National Institute for Strategic Studies and local governments of Kyiv region.