
Internship of Iryna Borschuk, associate professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, at IT recruiter courses at the NIKOS-LTV Lviv Programming Training Center

18.02.2023 | 16:44

In the period from November 14, 2022 to January 20, 2023, the associate professor of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics I. Franka Iryna Borshchuk attended IT recruiter courses organized by the Lviv programming training center NIKOS-LTV and received a certificate of completion of the basic course (80 hours). Speakers were Yuliya Malichenko, Senior HR at ETIYA company, with over 10 years of experience in IT and Maria Shcherban, with over 5 years of experience in this field...

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The participation of the teacher of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control, Doctor of Economics. Ludmila Petryshyn in the work of the second International Scientific Forum “Adaptive Processes in Education”

15.02.2023 | 19:35

On February 7-8, 2023, Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control, Doctor of Economics. Lyudmila Petryshyn took part in the work of the second International Scientific Forum “Adaptive Processes in Education”, organized by the NGO “School of Adaptive Management of Social and Pedagogical Systems”, which operates at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Kharkiv, and a number of other domestic organizing institutions from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Berdyansk and abroad – from Poland, Slovakia, Portugal.

Participation in the Forum took...

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Protection of reports on the results of training practice by bachelors of the 3rd year of study (specialty 051 “Economics”, OP “Information technologies in business”)

10.02.2023 | 16:29

 On 09.02.2023, at the department of digital economy and business analytics of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the defense of the results of the students of the UFE-31s group of educational practice in information and communication technologies took place.
The purpose of the training practice for students of the III year of full-time education was to consolidate and deepen theoretical knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines and develop the professional qualities of...

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The work of the accounting, analysis and control subsection of the finance and business management section of the reporting scientific conference of the Ivan Franko National University

10.02.2023 | 13:55

On February 8, 2023, a meeting of the accounting, analysis and control subsection of the finance and business management section of the reporting scientific conference of the Ivan Franko National University was held.
All scientists of the department participated in the work of the subsection. 9 reports on modern, relevant topics were heard.
In his report, Professor Romaniv E.M. noted that in order to quickly detect economic offenses, it is necessary to perfectly use such concepts as the analysis and control of...

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Defense of industrial practice in the specialization of students of the UFP-31s group of the “Public administration and business management” educational program

10.02.2023 | 09:46

On February 9, 2023, at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, a successful defense of industrial practice was held for the specialization of students of the UFP-31s group of the “Public Administration and Business Management” educational program.
The purpose of industrial practice with specialization is to deepen the practical training of students, master new skills in the main areas of professional activity...

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