
Commemoration of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred

20.02.2023 | 21:14

On February 20, 2023, the advisor of the UFF-25 group, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management S. D. Smolinska. spent an educational hour dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.
The main values of society and an individual citizen became the subject of discussion between the teacher and students, as they were the ones that caused the appearance of the Euromaidan in Ukraine and highlighted the unequivocal position of Ukrainian citizens. The students...

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20.02.2023 | 16:07

On February 20, 2023, teachers and students of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management (group UFP-11c, curator Bobko L.O.) gathered together to honor the fallen participants of the Revolution of Dignity, who gave their lives for the ideals of democracy and the rights and freedoms of Ukrainians The Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred is intended to perpetuate human, civic and national courage and self-sacrifice, the strength of spirit and resilience of citizens, thanks...

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Conducting an educational event for Unity Day in the UFO-31s group

19.02.2023 | 21:01

On February 16, 2023, an educational event for Unity Day was held in the UFO-31s group.
During the event, the issue of the need to strengthen the consolidation of Ukrainian society, ensuring the manifestation of resistance to the growth of hybrid threats and information and propaganda influence on public consciousness was considered.

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19.02.2023 | 11:07

On February 17, 2023, students of the third year (OP “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”) together with the teachers of the Department of Financial Management, associate professors V. Ya. Dubyk, O. R. Zahidna, L. O. Petyk, D. V. Popovych, Shushkova Yu. V. took part in the action “Trench candle – warmth and light for the defenders of Ukraine”. Students of the first and second years of the UFF-11c and UFF-22c groups also joined the action.
The basis for trench candles for...

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Masters of OP “Information technologies in business” defended reports on production practice

19.02.2023 | 10:56

On February 17, 2023, at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, online mode on the MS Teams platform, the defense of the reports on production practice (from specialization) of the group of UFEM-11c master’s students studying at the OP “Information Technologies in Business” took place » specialty 051 “Economics”.
The bases of practice were leading IT companies, as well as various organizations of Ukraine (Ukrainian Information Technologies LLC, Lagom Development LLC, PricewaterhouseCoopers...

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