
Participation of lecturers of the department of public administration and business management in the round table “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in the conditions of European integration”

10.02.2023 | 09:39

The lecturers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Olena Gerasymenko and Olena Reshota, took part in the work of a round table on the topic “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in the conditions of European integration”, held on 31 January 2023.
During the work of the round table “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education...

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Conducting the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty 071 “Accounting and taxation”

08.02.2023 | 21:13

On February 8, 2023, the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works was held at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management.
Student research papers on current topics related to theoretical and methodological aspects of accounting were submitted for consideration by the competition commission; organization of audit of financial reporting and accounting – analytical processes and analysis of the financial state of enterprises.

The winners of the 1st stage...

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06.02.2023 | 10:22

Since February 2023, the Department of Public Administration and Business Management held a sectional meeting within the framework of the 2022 Report Scientific Conference of the Ivan Franko University, which was attended by the department’s teaching staff and graduate students.
The participants of the conference discussed a number of topical issues regarding the results of scientific work at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in 2022 and directions for the department’s...

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01.02.2023 | 10:56

In order to implement international cooperation of scientists within the framework of the “Khemnitz-Lviv Educational Bridge”, the program “Digital Ukraine: ensuring academic success in times of crisis” between Ivan Franko Lviv National University and Chemnitz University of Technology and with the support of the Department of International Relations, teachers of the Department of Financial Management and from 11/15/2022 to 12/18/2022, the graduates of the second (master’s) level of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the Faculty of...

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Participation in the round table “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in the conditions of European integration”

31.01.2023 | 21:54

On January 31, 2023, Iryna Shevchuk and Oksana Vaskiv, teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, participated in a round table on the topic “Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in the conditions of European integration”, organized by the Office of Scientist Support.
The main goal of the event was to discuss the experience of using digital services and e-infrastructures in higher education institutions, consider...

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