In order to implement international cooperation of scientists within the framework of the “Khemnitz-Lviv Educational Bridge”, the program “Digital Ukraine: ensuring academic success in times of crisis” between Ivan Franko Lviv National University and Chemnitz University of Technology and with the support of the Department of International Relations, teachers of the Department of Financial Management and from 11/15/2022 to 12/18/2022, the graduates of the second (master’s) level of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business underwent an international scientific internship at the Chemnitz University of Technology (Chemnitz, Germany). The internship took place within the framework of the joint project “Lernbrücke Chemnitz-Lwiw” under the DAAD program “Ukraine digital: Ensuring academic success for times crisis”.
During the internship, the lecturers of the Department of Financial Management, Doctor of Economics, associate professors Larysa Sloboda, Sofia Smolinska, and master’s students Sofia Tsiunyk, Karet Ulyana, Ilona Yurchenko, and Mykolyn Yuliya worked on their scientific and educational projects in cooperation with Professor Sebastian Gechert: Exchange scientific experience, interaction with colleagues at weekly scientific seminars, work in the library contributed to a deeper familiarization with the principles and approaches to teaching financial and economic disciplines at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Chemnitz Technical University.
In particular, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Larysa Sloboda presented to her fellow scientists the results of her own scientific research on the topic: “Modern trends and challenges in the development of the Fintech industry and digital banking”.
Following the results of the scientific seminar, an interesting discussion took place between colleagues and postgraduate students of Chemnitz University of Technology and our young scientists. All participants were happy to exchange opinions and insights about the main provisions of the report and noted the high level of English language proficiency of our teachers and students.
The scientific results obtained during the internship at the Chemnitz University of Technology became a valuable addition to the introduction of the disciplines “Management of fintech companies” and “Corporate finance” into the educational process of the Department of Financial Management.
It is worth noting that the first step of such cooperation was a lecture by Professor Sebastian Gechert for higher education students of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management on tax topics. Nowadays, we already closely cooperate on improving the quality of syllabi and work programs and bringing them closer to European standards.
According to the results, all trainees received international certificates.
The team of the Department of Financial Management expresses its sincere gratitude to the organizers of the internship – the Department of International Relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the host party, in particular Professor Sebastian Gechert, for his support in the implementation of our scientific and educational projects.