Defense of industrial practice in the specialization of students of the UFP-31s group of the “Public administration and business management” educational program
On February 9, 2023, at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management, at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, a successful defense of industrial practice was held for the specialization of students of the UFP-31s group of the “Public Administration and Business Management” educational program.
The purpose of industrial practice with specialization is to deepen the practical training of students, master new skills in the main areas of professional activity, gain experience in management and research activities, and deepen and consolidate the knowledge obtained during studies in the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” at the Faculty of Financial Management and Business Management of Ivan Franko LNU.
This year, the bases of production practice were: the Office of Communal Property of the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv City Council, the Apparatus of the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Department of Youth Policy of the Lviv City Council, the Department of Finance of the Volyn Regional State Administration, the Department of Economic Development and Trade of the Executive Committee of the Kovel City Council, the Legal Department and personnel work of Shchyretsk settlement council of Lviv region, Department of communications and internal policy of Lviv regional state administration, Financial department of Krasne settlement council of Lviv region, General department of Chervonograd city council, ТЗОВ Eurolex-Lviv, Department of personnel management of “ONUR” representative office, Verbska village council of Dubensky district of Rivne Oblast, Department of Digital Development of Lviv State Administration, Department of Urban Mobility and Street Infrastructure of Lviv City Council.
Members of the Commission for the protection of industrial practices, H. Komarnytska, O. Gerasymenko, O. Reshota noted the high level of ability of higher education graduates to use the acquired knowledge in the field of public administration and business management in the practical plane.
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