
Participation in the training forum “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”

26.03.2021 | 16:02

March 25, 2021 teachers of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Shevchuk IB, Vaskiv OM, Zadorozhna AV attended the forum-training “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”. The issues raised at the online forum lie in the plane of digitalization of all spheres of life in Ukraine. Considerable attention was paid to the National Economic Strategy 2030, in particular, the problems of digitalization, entrepreneurship, balanced regional development and the “green” course of the country. Ukraine’s achievements in...

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Second Round of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers 2020/21

26.03.2021 | 11:01

On March 3, 2021, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman hosted a meeting of the Sectoral Competition Commission of the Second Round of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Student Research Papers in 2020/2021 academic year in the specialty 281 «Public Management and Administration».2nd and 3rd year students of the Faculty of Finance Management and Business (Balyas Yana Serhiivna, student of FMP-21s group, Vovk Victoria Viktorivna and Golych Marta Ivanivna, students of FMP-31s group) took part in the Competition.According...

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“Digital education of searchers. The situation today and trends for tomorrow ”- online internship for teachers

25.03.2021 | 21:42

On March 24, 2021, Oksana Vaskiv, a lecturer at the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, attended the online event “Digital education of searchers. The situation today and trends for tomorrow”, organized by Jooble HR Unity.
Issues raised for discussion:
Digital skills to improve the lives and competitiveness of job seekers.
What do employers think about the high level of digital literacy of job seekers – or does everyone need it.
Predictions about digital skills that will become most relevant in...

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Meeting of students with the, Head of the FUIB Medium Corporate Client Analysis Department Tatiana Slominska

23.03.2021 | 19:34

On March 23, 2021, Iryna Yasinovska,  Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Management, conducted a lecture with the involvement of a practitioner in the discipline “Financial Analysis” for fourth-year full-time students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” “Analysis of the creditworthiness of the enterprise.”

The purpose of the lecture: to acquaint students with the method of assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers-legal entities and to deepen their knowledge about the essence of the creditworthiness of the enterprise.
Tetyana Slominska, Head...

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Open lecture at Department of Financial Management of Ph.D., assoc. prof. Kruglyakova V. on the topic of “State credit”

23.03.2021 | 19:20

On March 23, 2021″ there was an open lecture for first-year students of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Taxation” held by associate professor, Ph.D. Kruglyakova on the topic “State Credit” Vira on the discipline “Finance”.
The lecture was focused on the economic nature and essence of public credit, revealed the concept of public debt and its economic consequences, as well as outlined the features of public debt management.
The open lecture was attended by Head of the Department of Financial Management...

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