
Open webinar “Talent assessment: models, competencies, tools and trends”

31.03.2021 | 01:56

On March 29, 2021, graduates of the Master of Educational and Professional Program “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” together with teachers of the Department of Economics and Public Administration took part in an open webinar by Ulyana Morokhovska “Talent assessment: models, competencies, tools and trends.

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Public discussions of the draft National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine

29.03.2021 | 15:06

On March 19-24, 2021, members of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business took part in public discussions of the draft National Strategy for Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine (Zoom platform).In particular, Associate Professor Gerasymenko Olena Viktorivna on March 22 and 24 took part in the discussions of Educational and Digital Accessibility blocks, with the participation of Volodymyr Sheigus, the representative of the Ministry of Community and Ukrainian’s...

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Lecturers of the Department of Financial Management took part in a practical training forum for the second time

26.03.2021 | 18:06

On March 25, 2021 lecturers of the Department of Financial Management prof. Sytnyk N and Vatamanyuk-Zelinska U, assoc. prof. Dubyk V., Shushkova Yu., Popovych D., Zakhidna O., Petyk L., Kruglyakova V. took part in the training forum “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”. This is not the first event that takes place in support of the European initiative Digital Week and is a joint project of the educational platform “4 PEOPLE”, the Ukrainian Federation of Informatics and the...

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