
Participation in the online training seminar “Innovative entrepreneurship and management of startup projects”

24.09.2021 | 02:04

On September 23, 2021, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Administration Vasyl Zelenko took part in an online training seminar “Innovative Entrepreneurship and Management of Startup Projects” with the participation of Elena Donets (Israel), GLOBAL COO and EMEA GM at Spyre Group, an expert in building innovative ecosystems.
The event was attended by teachers from universities from all over Ukraine.
Topics discussed:
– Basic principles of Lean startup methodology;
– Problem-solution fit;
– Value Proposition Designer: Value Proposition Canvas.

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Meeting with employers of higher education students majoring in 281 Public Management and Administration

23.09.2021 | 17:43

22/09/2021 applicants for higher education of the first (bachelor’s) level met with a representative of employers. Oksana Oprisko – Senior HR Business Partner, People Development at GlobalLogic. Lecture topic: “Personal brand of HR-manager in an IT company”.
People are the greatest value for organizations and the driving force. That is why the main tasks of HR-manager: to involve “those” people in the organization, correctly assess the competencies and potential of employees, be able to analyze and predict the development of...

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Binary lecture on the discipline “Creating your own business”

22.09.2021 | 10:41

On September 21, lecturers of the Department of Financial Management Assoc. Prof. Dariya Popovych and Assoc. Prof. Olga Sych gave a binary lecture on “Organizational and legal forms of enterprises and types of their associations”. The lecture took place within the teaching of the discipline of free choice “Creating your own business” for students of the University online.
During the lecture Assoc. Prof. Dariya Popovych acquainted students with the legal basis of the operation of enterprises, their classification, organizational and...

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Psychological conditions for successful adaptation of a freshman to study in a higher education institution

21.09.2021 | 11:25

On September 20, 2021, employees of the Psychological Service of Ivan Franko LNU Svitlana Nezabytovska and Anastasia Skakovska conducted for students of academic groups of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” UFF-11s (advisor – Associate Professor of Financial Management Kruglyakova V.V.) and UFF-12s (advisor – associate professor of financial management Petyk L.O.) training on the psychological conditions of successful adaptation of a freshman to study in a higher education institution.

The stage of entering a higher education institution is...

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