
Welcome week – 2021. Lecture-meeting “Information technology in business – a bridge between school and the profession of your dreams”

16.09.2021 | 16:59

Welcome week started on September 13, 2021 at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv – an annual event in which freshmen get acquainted with the structure and activities of the University, learn about interesting student initiatives and, of course, communicate with representatives of faculties and departments of Lviv University.
A series of such events was attended by freshmen of the educational program “Information Technology in Business”. On September 13, they had the opportunity to present their own projects on the vision...

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Welcome week for students of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

16.09.2021 | 16:35

On September 13, 2021, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv launched Welcome week – an annual event in which freshmen get acquainted with the structure and activities of the University, learn about interesting student initiatives and, of course, communicate with representatives of faculties and departments of Lviv University.
On September 15, 2021, the first-year students met and got acquainted with the educational programs of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business. The Department of Public Administration and Business...

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Unknown facts about famous people: Ivan Bohun

16.09.2021 | 14:25

On September 15, 2021, Associate Professor of Digital Economics and Business Analytics Zadorozhnaya AV for students of the educational program “Information Technology in Business” held an educational hour on the topic: “Unknown facts about famous people: Ivan Bohun.” The lesson addressed such insufficiently focused issues of the life of a famous military and political figure of Ukraine as his pedigree and appointment to the post of Colonel of the Zaporizhia Army. The history of battles under the leadership of Ivan...

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Lecture-meeting on “My profession – financier”

16.09.2021 | 11:18

On September 15, 2021 at the Faculty of Finance and Business to Welcome week was a lecture-meeting “My profession – financier” (responsible for its conduct associate professors of financial management Smolinska S.D. and Kruglyakova V.V.) for first-year students of the educational program “Finance, customs and taxation”.
A financier is a person who is well versed in the trends of financial markets, is able to competently predict changes and successfully invest in various projects, analyze risks. It is in demand not only...

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Binary lecture on the topic: “Modern specialist in accounting and taxation: the formation and prospects for implementation” (lecturers: lecturer at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Petryshyn L., Director of the Academy of Professional Accountants, certified accountant – Shahno L.)

15.09.2021 | 21:49

As part of the activities of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business to the event Welcome week on September 15, 2021, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control took an active part and presented a very interesting and informative event for students.
Lecturer of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control – Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Lyudmila Petryshyn together with Lyudmila Shakhno (Director of the Academy of Professional Accountants, trainer of thematic trainings, certified international professional accountant SIRA and...

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