
Participation in the organization of a seminar-training for employees of the representative office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Lviv

29.09.2021 | 09:22

On 24/09/2021 the team of the Western Ukrainian Research Center for European Studies (Jean Monnet Center of Excellence) conducted a training seminar for employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Lviv on various aspects of public policy in the field of foreign relations: the EU experience.
Seminar participants:

Kateryna Terek (acting Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Lviv),
Svitlana Myronchuk (First Secretary of the Foreign Ministry Representation),
Vasil Yordan (Second Secretary of the Foreign Ministry Representation),
Lyubov Dorosh (leading specialist).


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Advanced training of teachers of the Department of Financial Management

28.09.2021 | 21:47

September 23, 2021 teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Prof. Shushkova Yu.V., Assoc. Prof. Zakhidna O.R. and Assoc. Prof. Petik L.O. took part in the online forum “Professional development of educators: requirements and latest trends” in the educational project “4 people”.
The purpose of the Forum is to discuss the main requirements, features of the formation of key and professional competencies, outline the latest trends and opportunities for...

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“How to become a super student?”

28.09.2021 | 19:29

On September 27, 2021, students of the academic groups UFF-13s, UFF-14s and UFF-15s (curators Assoc. Prof. Sych O.A, Assoc. Prof. Yasinovska I.F. and Assoc. Prof. Smolinska S.D.) of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs ”attended an online meeting “How to become a super student?”, which was organized by the psychological service of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

Freshmen had the opportunity to get answers to the most pressing questions: how to adapt to student life, how to become successful...

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27.09.2021 | 21:51

September 24, 2021 Head of the Department of Financial Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University Prof. N.S. Sytnyk took part in the methodical seminar “EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS: HOW TO COMBINE THE FEATURES OF THE PROGRAM WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS” on the basis of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.

The purpose of this event with representatives of the scientific community was to discuss issues of quality assurance of educational programs, exchange of experiences and best practices in the formation and...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Economics and Public Administration in the Second Regional Forum # STOP BULLING

24.09.2021 | 23:50

23/09/2021 Head of the Department Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Kaplenko Halyna took part in the Second Regional Forum # STOP BULLING. The organizer of the event is Natalia Podvirna, associate professor of the department (director of the Public Institution “Center for Social Services of Davydiv Village Council of Lviv District of Lviv Region”).
Children are the future of any nation and state. The younger generation will determine the success of political, economic, intellectual and cultural progress. The issue of...

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