News of the Department of Public administration and Business management


05.04.2021 | 11:28

At the Faculty of Financial Management and Business of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in the discussion of educational programs in the specialties «Public Administration and Business Management» and «Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures» specialty 281 Public Management and Administration on April 2, 2021, the training manual «Business Administration» edited by Professor Borys Karpinsky was presented.
It is noted that the practice shows the need for students to obtain both modern knowledge and...

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Discussion with masters of educational programs “Public Administration and Business Management” and “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures”

03.04.2021 | 10:08

Стратегія реформування вищої освіти передбачає створення системи моніторингу та постійного поліпшення якості вищої освіти, що відповідає рекомендаціям і стандартам Європейського простору вищої освіти, враховує кращі світові практики та виступає головною технологією досягнення відповідності освітньої системи вимогам і потребам суспільства.
02.04.2021 року гаранти освітніх програм (доц., д.е.н Комарницька Г.О., доц., д.е.н. Капленко Г.В.) та члени груп забезпечення освітніх програм (декан факультету доц., к.е.н. Стасишин А.В., проф., д.е.н. Карпінський Б.А., доц., к.е.н. Герасименко О.В., доц., к.е.н. Зеленко В.А., доц., к.е.н. Пак Н.Т., доц....

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Open lecture by candidate of science of public administration, associate professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management O.A. Reshota the “Forming of the image of public authorities in the communicative space”

01.04.2021 | 12:12

On March 30, 2021 an “open lecture” was conducted for the 4th year students the field of “Public Administration” by associate professor of Public Administration and Business Administration Department Olena Reshota in the discipline “Communications in Public Administration” on the topic “Formation of the image of a public authority in the communicative space”.
At the “open lecture” students were acquainted with the conceptual and categorical apparatus, modern concepts of image formation, types of image of public...

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31.03.2021 | 10:47

On March 30, 2020, teachers and students of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management held an educational class dedicated to the WORLD THEATER DAY. International Theater Day has been celebrated annually on March 27 since 1962. It was founded in Vienna at the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute at UNESCO. According to its statute, the activities should be aimed at “strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, expanding the creative cooperation of...

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Public discussions of the draft National Strategy for Creating a Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine

29.03.2021 | 15:06

On March 19-24, 2021, members of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business took part in public discussions of the draft National Strategy for Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine (Zoom platform).In particular, Associate Professor Gerasymenko Olena Viktorivna on March 22 and 24 took part in the discussions of Educational and Digital Accessibility blocks, with the participation of Volodymyr Sheigus, the representative of the Ministry of Community and Ukrainian’s...

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