News of the Department of Public administration and Business management

Open lecture on the topic “Economic theory of sectoral market”, for third-year students, April 12, 2021

12.04.2021 | 15:34

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Vaskivska Kateryna Volodymyrivna,  April 12 2021 (at 8:30 to 9:50 ) held an open lecture on the Teams platform on “Trade as a area of economy”, for third-year students degree in: 281 “Public Administration”, “Public Administration and Business Management”. During the lecture, teaching methods (active listening, formation of students’ independent thinking, visualization, interactive learning) and methodological techniques were used, in particular, feedback from the lecturer to the...

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Scientific-practical conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty 281 “Public Administration”

08.04.2021 | 15:02

On April 7-8, 2021, the final scientific-practical conference of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty 281 “Public Administration” took place in the format of online video communication.
Vovk Victoria, a third-year student presented a research paper on “Infrastructural shifts in Ukraine in the context of decentralization.”
Scientific adviser: Malinovska Olga Yaroslavivna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management.
Vovk Victoria...

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Advanced training of Associate Professor of the Public Administration and Business Management Department, PhD Olena Reshota

08.04.2021 | 12:22

Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management, Candidate of Public Administration Olena Reshota took part in the training forum “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”, which took place on March 25, 2021. According to the results of participation in the forum, associate professor Olena Reshota issued a certificate of participation and advanced training in the amount of 6 hours (0.2 credits) ECTS.
Forum-training “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture” is a joint...

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Start of the spring session of the youth school “Self-Branding and Leadership”

07.04.2021 | 01:48

The spring session of the Youth School “Self-Branding and Leadership” started on 03/04/2021. The school is designed for students in grades 10-11, students of colleges and lyceums and provides 5 modules (modules developed by teachers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management and the Department of Economics and Public Management).

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Student’s online discussion of the scientific group “Derzhavotvorets” on the topic: “Problematic aspects of public administration during pandemic”

05.04.2021 | 11:33

On April 1, 2021, a student’s online discussion on “Problematic aspects of public administration and administration in a pandemic” was held within the scientific circle “Derzhavotvorets” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management (scientific supervisor – Reshota O. A.)
Students of 1-4 years of study in the specialty “Public Administration” took an active part in the discussion. The report on the topic “Leadership qualities of a modern manager” was made by...

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