Advanced training of Associate Professor of the Public Administration and Business Management Department, PhD Olena Reshota
Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management, Candidate of Public Administration Olena Reshota took part in the training forum “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture”, which took place on March 25, 2021. According to the results of participation in the forum, associate professor Olena Reshota issued a certificate of participation and advanced training in the amount of 6 hours (0.2 credits) ECTS.
Forum-training “Digital Transformations in Education, Business, IT and Culture” is a joint project of the educational platform “4 PEOPLE”, the Ukrainian Federation of Informatics and the NGO “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Specialists”. The speakers were leading experts in digital transformations, including representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, heads of research institutions and IT companies.
The main issues discussed at the training forum covered the digitalization of all spheres of public life. Ukraine’s achievements in the field of digitalization of the economy, education, culture were discussed, the concept of digital competencies development until 2025, Erasmus + projects were considered. Academic mobility of students, problems and prospects of blended learning were discussed, digital trends in education, business and culture were revealed and successful cases of digital transformation of Ukrainian companies. Participation in such events contributes to the improvement of professional competencies in the application of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process.