
Labor relations in the wartime period

06.10.2022 | 20:23

On October 5, 2022, a meeting was held at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management with Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Law Burak Volodymyr Yaroslavovych. The event was organized by advisers of the Department of Financial Management as part of the week-long initiative “Say No to Violence!”. During the event, the legal basis for the organization and regulation of labor relations during the war was considered.
Since the state of war had a drastic...

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Visiting the exhibition “War Views” as part of the five-day action “Say to violence: “No!”

05.10.2022 | 23:12

On October 4, 2022, as part of the five-day campaign “Say No to Violence!”, students of the third year of the educational program “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs” together with advisors V.Ya. Dubyk, O.R. Zahidna and Yu.V. Shushkova visited the exhibition “War Views” by Vladyslav Ryaboshtan at the Dzyga Gallery.
“When the calm flow of life is replaced by survival, the next hour is what now contains the word “future”, and you do not know where you will be tomorrow, a...

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A culture of peace, tolerance and understanding: the five-day campaign “Say No to Violence” began at the Department of Financial Management

05.10.2022 | 20:28

On October 3, 2022, the Department of Financial Management launched a five-day campaign “Say No to Violence!”. This action is timed to the International Day of Nonviolence, which is celebrated worldwide on October 2, since 2007, on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. The International Day of Nonviolence was founded on the initiative of the UN General Assembly, and the idea of ​​celebrating it is to affirm the culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and nonviolence.
The action began with an interactive lecture...

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05.10.2022 | 13:43

As part of the cooperation of the Psychological Service of LNU with advisers of academic groups, on October 4, 2022, a meeting of students of the UFP-31s group took place with the head of the Psychological Service of LNU named after Ivan Franko (, practical psychologist A. Skakovska, which was organized by the deputy head of the department for educational work and the curator of the UFP-31s group with associate professor of the department...

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The work of the scientific student circle “UPRAVLINETS” based on the results of participation in the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government

05.10.2022 | 10:46

On September 22, the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government was successfully held in Lviv! Teachers and students of educational programs (Specialty 281 Public Management and Administration) of the Department of Economics and Public Management had the opportunity to visit the Forum in a remote format.
This event has acquired an absolutely symbolic character for Ukrainian communities. As a result of the plenary discussion on the topic “Strategy and powers of cities during the war”, a number of relevant modern issues...

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