
Preparation and defence of course projects in cooperation with KPMG

30.05.2024 | 19:32

On May 28, there was a public defence of team course projects of students of the “Financial Management” educational program in the Lviv office of the KPMG company. The event was the logical conclusion of a two-month pilot project of the Department of Financial Management, during which students studied the work and financial indicators of banks, insurance companies, and enterprises and developed recommendations for their improvement. Methodical recommendations for preparing the course project were designed with the KPMG company and...

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Modeling and automation of business processes: development of hard and soft skills by students of higher education OP “Information technologies in business” in the process of writing and defending term papers

29.05.2024 | 20:44

On May 28, 2024, the defense of coursework on modeling and automation of business processes was held for students of the UFE-21s group of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics”.
The purpose of writing this coursework was to consolidate students’ knowledge and practical skills acquired during the study of the academic disciplines “Introduction to the profession”, “Information and communication technologies”, “Object-oriented programming”, “Automation of business processes”, “Microeconomics in the IT industry”, “Economic-mathematical modeling”; application of knowledge in the...

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The defense of coursework in the disciplines of professional and practical training was held by students of higher education ЕP “Information technologies in business”

28.05.2024 | 16:52

On May 27, 2024, the coursework defense of students of the UFE-31s group of the ЕP “Information technologies in business” specialty 051 “Economics” took place.

The purpose of writing this coursework was to consolidate students’ knowledge and practical skills acquired during the study of the educational disciplines “Design and administration of DB and SD”, “Internet technologies” and “Web-design and Web-programming”; formation of a system of knowledge on methodology and tools for building a database for which a diagram of use cases...

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Financial literacy: a path to success for young people

27.05.2024 | 21:38

On May 24, 2024, with the aim of popularizing financial literacy, expanding financial knowledge and practical skills among student youth and developing entrepreneurial skills, teamwork and self-presentation, the second round of the regional financial literacy competition “Laboratory of Youth Business ideas”.
The contest was organized by the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Lviv Regional Small Academy of Sciences of Pupils and the Department of Financial Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

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Conducting a scientific seminar at the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control on the topic: “Accounting as an information source of control, analysis, taxation and management”

27.05.2024 | 18:45

On May 24, 2024, the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control held a scientific seminar on the topic: “Accounting as an information source of control, analysis, taxation and management”. The seminar was attended by teachers of the department and students of higher education major 071 “Accounting and taxation” – members of the student research group “Controller”, who discussed current issues and prospects for the development of accounting as an information source of control, analysis, taxation and management.
As a result...

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