Modeling and automation of business processes: development of hard and soft skills by students of higher education OP “Information technologies in business” in the process of writing and defending term papers

29.05.2024 | 20:44

On May 28, 2024, the defense of coursework on modeling and automation of business processes was held for students of the UFE-21s group of the OP “Information Technologies in Business” specialty 051 “Economics”.

The purpose of writing this coursework was to consolidate students’ knowledge and practical skills acquired during the study of the academic disciplines “Introduction to the profession”, “Information and communication technologies”, “Object-oriented programming”, “Automation of business processes”, “Microeconomics in the IT industry”, “Economic-mathematical modeling”; application of knowledge in the field of economic and mathematical modeling to study the course of economic processes in the business structure, the formation of management decisions regarding its development and optimization of its business processes; formation of students’ system of knowledge on methodology and tools for building java applications; providing practical skills for business process automation.

In the process of writing the coursework, students improved and developed such skills and abilities:

  • build mathematical models that are designed to solve specific economic problems (the problem of maximum profitability of the enterprise, the problem of rational cutting of material with a minimum of waste, the problem of optimal cutting of rods with a minimum of waste and the execution of the billet plan, the problem of minimizing the costs of transportation in the execution of the supplier plan and consumers, game theory problems, etc.);
  • create reliable and effective programs in the java language for automating the studied business processes;
  • summarize the results of the work carried out, compare them with real phenomena and processes, form recommendations and proposals for further improvement and automation of the business processes under study.

The commission, consisting of Professor Iryna Shevchuk, Associate Professor Ihor Romanych, and Senior Lecturer Oksana Vaskiv, assessed the level of formation of general (key) and professional competencies acquired by students in the process of mastering the educational material and its practical application in specific subject areas.