
Meeting of the Discussion Club “Cooperation of Government and Local Self-Government Bodies with Civil Society Institutions and Business” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management

18.05.2022 | 12:44

On May 17, 2022, a traditional scientific event was held, organized by the Department of Public Administration and Business Administration and the scientific group “Derzhavotvorets” – Discussion Club on “Cooperation of government and local government with civil society and business” in the Days of Science 2022. The event was joined by students majoring in 281 “Public Administration and Administration” of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Administration” of...

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Educational talk for students of UFP-21s of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” on “Ways to overcome stress during the war”

18.05.2022 | 12:39

Since the beginning of the full-scale military attack on the territory of Ukraine, worries about one’s own fate, the fate of the state, stress and constant negative emotions, unfortunately, have become commonplace for every conscious Ukrainian.
The advisor of the group UFP-21s Assoc. Prof. Olena Reshota conducted an educational talk for students on “Ways to overcome stress during the war.” After all, stress is a reaction to the peculiarities of the interaction between the individual and the world...

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Participation of lecturers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management in the program of international internship in technology transfer GUTT.INUP in the framework of the DAAD project “Partnership of Ukrainian and German universities in technology transfer”

18.05.2022 | 12:35

Lecturers of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management (Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor G. Komarnytska, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assoc. Prof.  O. Gerasymenko, Candidate of State Administration, Assoc. Prof.  O. Reshota) successfully completed a three-month English-language international internship program on technology transfer GUTT.INUP within the DAAD project “Partnership of Ukrainian and German Universities on Technology Transfer”.
International internship of 180 hours. (6 ECTS) was organized by the Julius Maximilian University of Wurzburg, the Ivan Franko National University of...

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Guest lecture “Protection of human and civil rights”. Mykytyn Ihor (Director of the Regional centre for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Lvov Region)

17.05.2022 | 23:52

On 17/05/2022, a guest lecture was held for higher education applicants of the Educational Programs “Personnel Management in Public Authorities and Business Structures” and “Public Management and Administration”.
The guest lecture was given by the Director of the Regional Center for The Provision of Free Secondary Legal Aid in the Lvov region – Mykytyn Ihor. The topic of the lecture is “Protection of human and civil rights”.
Human rights are moral rights that every person in the world has simply because he...

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Scientific and practical round table: “Modernization of public administration: foreign and domestic experience”

17.05.2022 | 23:41

On May 16 as part of the annual Science Festival at  Franko National University of Lviv Department of Economics and Public Administration organized a Scientific and practical round table “Modernization of public administration: foreign and domestic experience” (with the participation of the student scientific circle “Manager”).
Reports of students-circles of the speciality “Public Administration”, as well as applicants for higher education and other specialities were accompanied by discussions, questions, and active discussion.
In the conditions of modern civilizational challenges and threats to...

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