
Defense of term papers by graduates of the bachelor’s degree of OP “Information Technology in Business”

13.04.2022 | 09:36

April 11, 2022 in the online format was the defense of term papers by fourth-year students majoring in 051 “Economics” OP “Information Technology in Business”.
👩‍💼A commission consisting of Iryna Shevchuk, Head of the Department of Digital Economics and Business Analytics, Associate Professors Yulianna Stadnyk and Anna Starukh assessed the level of general (key) and professional competencies acquired by students in the process of mastering educational material and their motivation for continuous professional self-improvement.

📋The results of the defense of term papers...

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Best educational practices in the educational program “Information Technology in Business” in the analytical system YouControl

12.04.2022 | 16:04

Within the framework of teaching the discipline “Monitoring Systems in Economics”, students of UFE-41c group OP “Information Technology in Business” of the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Franko Lviv National University together with a lecturer, associate professor of digital economics and business analytics Starukh A. AND. trained in compliance analysis, market analysis, business intelligence and investigations – YouControl.
The system creates a complete dossier for each company in Ukraine based on open data, monitors changes in state registers...

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Defense of course papers of students UFP-41s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

08.04.2022 | 09:43

In these difficult times for the state and Ukrainian society, fourth-year students of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”, in addition to active volunteering, are searching for scientific ways to solve urgent problems of national security, public administration, social protection and entrepreneurship by conducting exploratory researches.
Today, graduates of the UFP-41s group of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management successfully...

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An educational event on the occasion of honoring the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred for students of UFP-21s

08.04.2022 | 09:38

For the eighth year in a row, at the end of February, Ukrainian society commemorates one of the most tragic days in the history of Independent Ukraine – the Revolution of Dignity, when the confrontation between the Ukrainian people and the then authorities became the bloodiest in the recent history of the Ukrainian state when most Maidan activists who defended the principles of freedom, democracy and the European vector of development of the Motherland died.

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