News of the Department of Public administration and Business management

Participation in the online forum “Professional development of educators: basic requirements and latest trends” Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management О. Reshota

30.09.2021 | 15:49

On September 23, 2021, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Business Management Department, Candidate of Public Administration Olena Reshota took part in the online forum “Professional development of educators: basic requirements and latest trends”, organized by the Educational Platform “4 PEOPLE” and “Ukrainian Association of Information Technology Specialists”. The speakers of the Forum revealed the main directions of professional development of educators, digital competence in educational systems, development of managerial competence, formation of creative and...

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Internship for students of the specialization 281 “Public Administration and Administration” of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” under the program of the Lviv City Council “First Career Step”

30.09.2021 | 15:46

Applicants for higher education majoring in 281 “Public Administration and Administration” of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” of UFP-21c Iryna Ivasyk and Maria Kormylo successfully participated in a two-month internship program of Lviv City Council for future managers “First Career Step”, thanks to which they had the opportunity to become part of the team of the Lviv City Council and join the development of Lviv, undergo internships in local governments and gain invaluable practical experience.
The program “The...

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Student Khrystyna Rymar (the specialty 281 “Public Administration”, OPP “Public Administration”) – the winner of the selection for the internship program R&D Lviv in the Lviv City Council

30.09.2021 | 15:39

The desire to acquire new knowledge, self-improvement and a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills – these are the main characteristics of modern student youth.
Thus, Khrystyna Rymar, a student majoring in the 281 “Public Administration”, OPP “Public Administration and Business Management”, the head of the group UFP-21s, became one of the winners of the selection for the internship program R&D Lviv and received the opportunity to participate in the program from the first deputy...

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Participation of students of the specialization 281 “Public Administration and Administration” of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management” in an interactive educational event on decentralization and local government

30.09.2021 | 15:32

In order to acquire new practical skills in the field of public administration, Maria Kormylo, a second-year student of the UFP-21s group of the Public Administration and Business Management OPP, became one of the 30 participants in the educational interactive event “Superheroes for the Community” on the topic of decentralization and local self-government. The event was held in a two-day intensive format, which addressed the most pressing issues of future managers, namely the main challenges of local government...

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XX International Economic Forum

16.09.2021 | 19:44

On September 16, the XX International Economic Forum started in Lviv.
The forum was attended by Ukrainian business, leading international companies, representatives of local governments, deputies, diplomats, representatives of trade missions from abroad, experts.
Hanna Komarnytska, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, visited the forum to establish cooperation with stakeholders and exchange experiences.
The main goal of the department’s educational and professional program “Public Administration and Business Management” is to train qualified and competitive specialists in the labor market...

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