News of the Department of Public administration and Business management

Welcome week for students of the educational program “Public Administration and Business Management”

16.09.2021 | 16:35

On September 13, 2021, the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv launched Welcome week – an annual event in which freshmen get acquainted with the structure and activities of the University, learn about interesting student initiatives and, of course, communicate with representatives of faculties and departments of Lviv University.
On September 15, 2021, the first-year students met and got acquainted with the educational programs of the Faculty of Financial Management and Business. The Department of Public Administration and Business...

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PhD student of the Faculty of Business and financial management Natalia Kalakun – among the winners of the competition of scientific works “Odessa Initiative”

11.08.2021 | 11:55

On July 15, 2021, the results of the competition of scientific works of postgraduate and doctoral students in the field of public administration “Odessa Initiative” were summed up. The intellectual competition was organized and conducted by the Department of Regional Policy and Public Administration of the Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
The purpose of the competition is to create conditions for the development of intellectual potential of talented...

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Participation of associate professors of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management O. Gerasimenko and O. Reshota in the training program “Odoo / BJet – innovative tools for business management”

08.07.2021 | 12:35

June, 15-25, 2021 associate professors of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management O. Gerasimenko and O. Reshota successfully passed a 30-hour training program “Odoo / BJet – innovative tools for business management”, organized in the framework of cooperation Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Odoo / BJet. The internship program included a presentation of Odoo/BJet, issues of accounting and management accounting, production and sales, consideration of innovative project management tools, etc. After successful practical classes on the...

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26.05.2021 | 10:40

On Monday, May 24, 2021 at the Department of Public Administration and Business Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, a scientific seminar was held postgraduates of the department Kalakun Natalia on the topic “Problems of reforming the OVV in the context of the introduction of the prefecture. Foreign Experience ”and Roman Saevich on the topic“ Public Participation in Local Self-Government Reforms ”. Postgraduate students shared their own experiences in research.
Welcoming speech was...

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26.05.2021 | 09:56

The constant process of self-development and self-improvement is an urgent need of a modern young person, especially if it is a future manager or civil servant.
Іn order to improve “soft skills”, on May 20-21, 2021, students of UFP-11s of the specialization 281 “Public Administration” together with their advisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management Reshota O. A. successfully passed two-day online course «Soft skills XXI: how to be needed?», organized...

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