News of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control

Educational hour in the UFO-41c group for the International Mother Language Day

22.02.2022 | 19:18

February 21, 2022 marks a holiday that is extremely important for each of us – – International Mother Language Day.
The holiday has been officially launched since 2000. The International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on November 17, 1999. It was introduced to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.
Native language is an important element of cultural and national consciousness. It is not just a means of communication, but the history of the people, their...

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Best Practices in Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations

06.02.2022 | 09:30

Execution of individual work of students, in combination with lectures, practical classes and independent work is the basis for the implementation of educational components in the educational program “Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations”. As part of the study of the discipline “Legal Documentation” teacher of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control LP Petryshyn was invited to the first bachelor’s degree higher education as an individual work to pass a test on the national online platform for the development of...

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Participation of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control in the Reporting Scientific Conference of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for 2022

03.02.2022 | 21:10

On February 2, 2022, within the framework of the public conference, the University held a meeting of the section on appearance, analysis and control.

Were heard 9 additional proposals for the Department of Appearance, Analysis and Control of the FUFB LNU named after Ivan Franko:
1. Current trends in financial investigations of economic offenses. Professor Romaniv E.M.
2. Submissive control and direct improvement of yoga efficiency. Professor Yarema Ya.R.
3. Improved forms and methods of financial and economic control in Ukraine...

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Participation of masters of UFOM-11c group and Ph.D., associate professor Loboda NO in a webinar-workshop on working with software cash registers

02.12.2021 | 20:31

December 2, 2021 UFOM-11s students and associate professor Loboda NO in cooperation with practitioners in the study of the course “Organization of accounting and tax optimization” joined the webinar – a workshop on working with software cash registers (speakers: leading experts Technocenter Lighthouse with experience in implementing software cash registers (PRRO) E. Smirnov, D. Doroshenko; head of the accounting service company “Lux Accounting” H. Lyskanych).
The webinar program covered the following issues:
Current issues on the application of the ABM in 2022; Read more »

As part of the project “Dialogue with Employers” a meeting was held on “Management. Finances. Audit »

26.11.2021 | 12:38

On November 25, 2021, within the framework of the project “Dialogue with Employers” a meeting of applicants for higher education and teachers of educational programs “Finance, Customs and Tax Affairs”, “Public Administration and Business Management”, “Public Administration and Administration”, “Personnel Management in public authorities and business structures “,” Accounting, analysis and financial investigations” with stakeholders on “Management. Finances. Audit”. The event was organized by the Department of Career Development and Business Cooperation of the Center for Marketing and Development of...

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