
Educational online event for students of the group UFE-41c OP “Information technologies in business” on the topic: “The main stages of Ukrainian state formation”

28.09.2022 | 11:02

On September 27, 2022, to the Independence Day of Ukraine, associate professors of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, A. V. Zadorozhna, and the curator of the UFE-41 group, Yu. A. Stadnyk, held an educational event on the topic: “Main stages of Ukrainian state formation.”
During the educational hour, the main stages of the formation of Ukrainian statehood, historical circumstances and problems that accompanied the state-building processes in our country were considered.

It is emphasized that the origins of...

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Participation of students of the UFOM-21c group in an educational event on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine

26.09.2022 | 22:13

On September 26, 2022, L.Yu. Shevtsiv, associate professor of the UFOM-21s group, was appointed as an advisor. an educational hour was held on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine.
Just like 31 years ago, Ukraine is once again in “deadly danger”, again the source of this danger is the aggressive, inadequate, criminal Russian empire. The Russian occupiers are trying to deprive Ukraine of the most precious thing – independence, sovereignty and the lives of Ukrainians.
The bright...

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Participation of teachers of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics in the XI International Round Table “Integration of Education, Science and Business” (Zaporizhia)

23.09.2022 | 16:21

On September 23, 2022, Iryna Shevchuk, head of the Department of Digital Economy and Business Analytics, Faculty of Finance and Business Management of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, took part in the work of the XI International Round Table “Integration of Education, Science and Business”.
The event was held on the basis of the Zaporizhia National University and was organized for the purpose of exchanging ideas, realizing business opportunities and creating joint projects in the fields of technological transfer and innovation.

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Participation of teachers of the department of financial management in the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government

23.09.2022 | 12:52

On September 22, 2022, the teachers of the Department of Financial Management, Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University Assoc. V. Dubyk, Assoc. О. Zahidna, Assoc. L. Petyk and Prof. Y. Shushkova took part in the IX All-Ukrainian Forum of Local Self-Government.
             The participants of the event were heads of territorial communities of Ukraine and employees of local self-government bodies, representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, people’s deputies of Ukraine, heads of...

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23.09.2022 | 12:18

On September 21, 2022, a meeting of first-year students (UFO-11c) with a practical psychologist, an employee of the psychological service of LNU named after Ivan Franko ( Nezabytovska S.V., which was organized by the deputy head of the department for educational work and the adviser of the UFO-11 group with the associate professor of the department of accounting, analysis and control Loboda N.O.
During the adaptation training, they laughed a little, got to know themselves and others. They also discussed various...

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