
An open guest lecture from a series of public speeches by representatives of the of the Ukrainian School of Archetype (USA)

21.05.2024 | 11:56

On May 10, 2024, the ninth open guest lecture in a series of public speeches by representatives of the Ukrainian School of Archetype (USA) was held on the topic “USA Public Platform – Technical, Technological, Methodological Tasks and Achievements 2016-2024”. Hanna Komarnytska, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, joined the event.
The speakers at the lecture...

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Publication of the monograph of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control “Harmonization of Accounting and Auditing in the Conditions of European Integration”

20.05.2024 | 21:45

The monograph of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control “Harmonization of Accounting and Auditing in the Conditions of European Integration” was published.
In the monograph, the integrated concept of “harmonization of accounting and auditing” is formed, which makes it possible to harmonize the principles and methodology of accounting and auditing, as well as their practical toolkit in relation to the harmonization of the practice of accounting, financial reporting and auditing. Recommendations have been developed regarding accounting by an outsourcing company...

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Ceremonial award winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works of winners of the OPP “Finance, Customs and Taxation”

20.05.2024 | 21:18

On the occasion of the celebration of Science Day in Ukraine at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University, on May 18, 2024, in the House of Scientists, a ceremonial awarding of diplomas to the winners of the 1st round of the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific works 2022/2023 was held in the House of Scientists.

Among the students of higher education, studying in the specialty “Finance, banking, insurance and stock market” of the OPP “Finance, customs and tax affairs” received diplomas...

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The department of accounting, analysis and control held a round table on the topic: “Accounting, taxation, control and analysis: challenges and threats in the conditions of martial law” as part of the Science Festival at the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko

20.05.2024 | 21:11

On May 16, 2024, Deputy Head of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control, Associate Professor S.M. Honcharuk. held a round table on the topic: “Accounting, taxation, control and analysis: challenges and threats under martial law” as part of the Science Festival at the Ivan Franko National University.
Acting Director addressed the participants with an introductory speech. the head of the department, professor E.M. Romaniv, who emphasized the importance of the theme of the event in the current difficult time of...

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20.05.2024 | 15:43

On May 16, 2024, a traditional educational and scientific debate on the topic «Public management and administration: methods and modernity (as part of the «Festival of Science – 2024»)». It was emphasized by the head of the department, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Anna Komarnytska, that both through the training of young people in the specialization «Public Administration and Business Management» and through their active understanding and application of modern technologies of interaction between...

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