
Flash mob for the day of embroidery “Embroidered shirt of our great-grandmothers” of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management

20.05.2024 | 15:07

Vyshyvanka Day is a holiday designed to preserve and multiply the traditions of Ukrainian national clothing. Vyshyvanka is a real shrine for Ukrainians.
Vyshyvanka symbolizes strength, beauty, family memory.
The embroidered shirt of our great-grandmothers became a symbol of the unity of their great-grandsons and great-great-granddaughters in uncertain times
and in difficult times.
That is a sequence. That is the system of self-preservation of the nation.

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Meeting with employers of students of the educational program “Information technologies in business”

18.05.2024 | 16:55

15 травня 2024 р. студенти другого, третього та четвертого курсів освітньо-професійної програми «Інформаційні технології в бізнесі» спеціальності 051 «Економіка» бакалаврського та магістерського рівнів вищої освіти разом із завідувачем кафедри цифрової економіки та бізнес-аналітики Іриною ШЕВЧУК, доцентами кафедри Анною ЗАДОРОЖНОЮ, Орестом МИЩИШИНОМ та Ігорем РОМАНИЧЕМ відвідали термінал і офіс поштово-логістичної компанії «MEEST INTERNATIONAL» в рамках проведення круглого столу «Вимоги і пропозиції приватних компаній до молодих фахівців в процесі першого працевлаштування (на прикладі логістичного бізнесу)».
During the excursion to the company’s terminal, the...

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Participation of students of the educational program “Information technologies in business” in the Students Talent Expo from the Lviv IT cluster

17.05.2024 | 07:25

On May 16, 2024, Iryna MYKHALCHISHYN, a student of the UFE-31s group of the educational program “Information Technologies in Business” major 051 “Economics”, took part in the Students Talent Expo. This is a unique event of the villages of the Lviv IT cluster, which brought together representatives of more than 30 leading tech companies and students in one location to exchange experience and opportunities. Panel discussions and interesting interactives were held: speed-dancing, trial interviews and real opportunities to find the...

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16.05.2024 | 21:12

Every year in May, Ukrainians celebrate a bright and unique holiday, Day of Vyshyvanka, dedicated to our national clothing.
On May 16, 2024, students of the UFO-21c group together with adviser N.O. Loboda. held an educational event on the topic: “YYSHYVANKA – YOUR GENETIC CODE” dedicated to Vyshyvanka Day.
Students of higher education prepared and demonstrated a presentation in which they were introduced to the history of the holiday. Vyshyvanka Day is a holiday dedicated to preserving the traditions of Ukrainian...

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Conducting an educational hour for students of the UFO-11s group of the educational program “Accounting, Analysis and Financial Investigations” on the occasion of the Day of Ukrainian Embroidery and Vyshyvanka

16.05.2024 | 20:46

May 16, 2024, on the Day of Ukrainian Embroidery and Embroidery, associate professor of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Control
Lyubov Shevtsiv, with the active participation of the students of the UFO-11c group, an educational hour dedicated to this event was held. The students of the group, together with the advisor, got acquainted with the history of the emergence of a special Ukrainian embroidery, which is associated with the Trypil culture of the late Neolithic era. The attention of...

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