An open guest lecture from a series of public speeches by representatives of the of the Ukrainian School of Archetype (USA)

21.05.2024 | 11:56

On May 10, 2024, the ninth open guest lecture in a series of public speeches by representatives of the Ukrainian School of Archetype (USA) was held on the topic “USA Public Platform – Technical, Technological, Methodological Tasks and Achievements 2016-2024”. Hanna Komarnytska, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration and Business Management at the Faculty of Finance and Business Management of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, joined the event.
The speakers at the lecture were Pavlo Melnyk and Kostyantyn Ladurenko, independent researchers at the Ukrainian School of Archetype (USA), and faculty members of the Ames Center at NASA.  They presented the dynamics of the development of the USA public platform for the period of 2016-2024, disclosed the technical and technological aspects of its work, and revealed the methodological components of the effective functioning of the platform.
Upon completion of the lectures, Hanna Komarnytska was solemnly presented with a certificate of advanced training from the Ukrainian School of Archetype and the Paris Center for Studies of Modernity and Ubiquity for 0.2 ECTS credits signed by the founders and heads of the French and Ukrainian scientific schools of archetype, Professors Michel Maffesoli and Eduard Afonin.
The event was a continuation of the USA’s fruitful cooperation with the academic community and contributed to the dissemination of the school’s experience in organizing effective collaboration platforms. The involvement of Hanna Komarnytska emphasizes the interdisciplinary interest in USA research and the importance of developing public platforms for various spheres of public life.